Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
03/06/2020 Arnold Battle of the Regions Paige Hubbard 1. R-O -72 70.9 155 160 165 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 177.5 -185 185 442.5 727.48
03/06/2020 Arnold Battle of the Regions Christopher DeStephen 4. R-O -74 73 -212.5 212.5 215 120 122.5 -237.5 237.5 -240 575 623.12
03/06/2020 Arnold Battle of the Regions Michael Impennachio 5. R-O -83 82.7 185 195 200 140 147.5 -150 220 240 250 597.5 595.34
03/06/2020 Arnold Battle of the Regions Cassandra Misiak 2. R-O -63 61.3 130 137.5 142.5 72.5 77.5 137.5 147.5 -155 367.5 645.86
03/06/2020 Arnold Battle of the Regions Abigayle Race 2. R-O -57 56.8 130 135 -137.5 77.5 80 82.5 147.5 155 160 377.5 689.95
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Carson Allen 2. R-O -83 82.7 237.5 250 262.5 100 272.5 295 -322.5 657.5 663.48
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Charles Auta 1. R-G -93 83.4 257.5 267.5 275 170 177.5 182.5 275 287.5 292.5 750 764.54
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Susan Chambers 1. R-O -84 77.8 130 137.5 -140 67.5 70 72.5 170 180 187.5 397.5 369.56
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Crystale Lind 2. R-O -72 64.7 102.5 112.5 -117.5 62.5 67.5 -70 112.5 127.5 135 315 331.60
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Robin Shell 4. R-O -63 61.8 77.5 85 92.5 62.5 65 -67.5 115 122.5 127.5 285 310.59
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Takeru Nishi 1. R-O -66 65.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 117.5 -125 125 210 225 235 542.5 428.63
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Jacob Nelson 5. R-JR -105 100.2 180 190 200 117.5 125 130 235 245 260 590 358.78
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships MK Lander 1. R-M1B -84 80.5 135 140 142.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 155 165 -170 395 360.20
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Vincent Cifani 8. R-O -105 94.8 205 215 -227.5 127.5 135 140 227.5 250 -262.5 605 376.67
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Matthew Bromelmeier 1. R-O -74 73.1 167.5 177.5 -182.5 125 -130 -130 240 252.5 -262.5 555 402.71
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Ramy Abukwiek 2. R-O -66 64.8 140 155 -165 90 97.5 100 180 190 200 455 362.77
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brendan Baugher 2. R-JR -93 89 177.5 187.5 195 142.5 147.5 -152.5 230 242.5 -250 585 375.63
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Julia Bursten 4. R-O -84 76 105 115 122.5 70 75 -82.5 140 150 157.5 355 334.73
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Benjamin Weddle 10. R-O -105 100.7 190 202.5 212.5 135 142.5 147.5 197.5 217.5 -230 577.5 350.48
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Ben Parks 1. R-O -120 118.4 250 265 272.5 145 150 -152.5 260 275 -277.5 697.5 402.32
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Nick Farison 1. R-O -83 80.4 222.5 237.5 242.5 140 147.5 -150 225 245 247.5 637.5 433.88
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships DANE WEEKS 3. R-O -105 97.8 220 235 245 150 160 162.5 250 262.5 272.5 680 417.66
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships JORDAN STOKES 1. T1 -105 103.5 217.5 227.5 232.5 130 -132.5 -132.5 217.5 230 -237.5 592.5 355.86
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Jacob Nelson 9. R-O -105 100.2 180 190 200 117.5 125 130 235 245 260 590 358.78
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships MK Lander 1. R-O -84 80.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 155 165 -170 252.5 230.25
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Travis Copeland 4. R-O -83 82.5 202.5 210 -220 115 117.5 -127.5 207.5 225 -232.5 552.5 370.12
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships TIMOTHY POORMAN 5. R-O -120 116.6 135 150 -182.5 105 115 -120 175 195 207.5 472.5 273.58
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Andrew Meyerhofer 1. R-JR -74 73.1 150 165 182.5 95 102.5 -110 192.5 205 222.5 507.5 368.24
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Evan Miller 1. R-O -83 82.1 147.5 157.5 -162.5 200 210 220 377.5 253.64
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships JORDAN STOKES 2. O -105 103.5 217.5 227.5 232.5 130 -132.5 -132.5 217.5 230 -237.5 592.5 355.86
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Angela Broyles 5. R-O -63 61.4 -70 72.5 77.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 90 97.5 100 230 251.90
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Julie Fishman 3. R-O -52 51.1 90 92.5 95 47.5 50 -52.5 112.5 117.5 -120 262.5 331.67
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brendan Baugher 8. R-O -93 89 177.5 187.5 195 142.5 147.5 -152.5 230 242.5 -250 585 375.63
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Julia Gengenbach 4. R-O 84+ 91.2 -105 112.5 117.5 62.5 67.5 70 132.5 145 -157.5 332.5 285.75
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Robin Shell 1. R-M1B -63 61.8 77.5 85 92.5 62.5 65 -67.5 115 122.5 127.5 285 310.59
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brad Wolfe 1. R-JR -105 104 167.5 175 182.5 220 227.5 245 427.5 256.33
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Jeff Sykora 1. R-O -93 92.1 210 225 232.5 145 155 -160 265 277.5 -280 665 419.68
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Owen Mattingly 6. R-O -105 100.3 220 227.5 237.5 147.5 155 -165 222.5 235 242.5 635 386.02
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Storm Mohn 1. R-JR -93 89.4 220 230 -235 145 150 -155 220 232.5 -240 612.5 392.37
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Mike McHargh 1. R-O -120 107.9 190 202.5 -210 202.5 119.90
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Jamie Fisher 1. R-O -52 51 107.5 110 112.5 -70 -70 70 120 130 132.5 315 398.60
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships MK Lander 1. R-M1B -84 80.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 155 165 -170 252.5 230.25
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Andrew Meyerhofer 4. R-O -74 73.1 150 165 182.5 95 102.5 -110 192.5 205 222.5 507.5 368.24
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Elizabeth Naidicz 3. R-O -84 82.5 147.5 -155 155 72.5 77.5 -82.5 132.5 140 147.5 380 342.00
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Chris Percifield 3. R-JR -105 97.5 -232.5 235 247.5 142.5 -150 247.5 262.5 272.5 662.5 407.44
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Dave Schneider 1. R-O -120 105.5 120 127.5 -130 240 260 -275 387.5 231.18
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Angela Broyles 2. R-M1B -63 61.4 -70 72.5 77.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 90 97.5 100 230 251.90
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Anthony Wolf 4. R-JR -105 95.8 197.5 212.5 227.5 142.5 150 -157.5 217.5 237.5 -247.5 615 381.12
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Michael Nguyen 4. R-O -93 90.8 202.5 212.5 -220 155 160 165 257.5 -275 -275 635 403.61
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brad Wolfe 2. R-O -105 104 167.5 175 182.5 220 227.5 245 427.5 256.33
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Robin Shell 2. R-O -63 61.8 62.5 65 -67.5 115 122.5 127.5 192.5 209.79
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Justin Choy 2. R-T2 -74 69.1 135 150 -165 70 77.5 -82.5 170 177.5 405 306.54
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Ralph Young 1. R-O -93 88.3 175 182.5 227.5 245 -255 427.5 275.61
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Storm Mohn 5. R-O -93 89.4 220 230 -235 145 150 -155 220 232.5 -240 612.5 392.37
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Ben Friel 1. R-T2 -66 64.8 -85 85 -110 85 67.77
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Sheila Farrance 1. R-O -57 56 80 87.5 92.5 -42.5 45 50 142.5 152.5 -160 295 347.10
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Veronica Chasser 3. R-O -72 67.2 102.5 112.5 117.5 55 60 -65 120 127.5 137.5 315 322.53
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Ravi Shah 4. R-O -120 106.9 162.5 170 172.5 110 115 117.5 175 182.5 185 475 282.10
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Susan Hallen 3. R-O 84+ 106.7 110 -125 130 80 90 95 125 137.5 145 370 302.88
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Chris Percifield 5. R-O -105 97.5 -232.5 235 247.5 142.5 -150 247.5 262.5 272.5 662.5 407.44
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships MK Lander 2. R-O -84 80.5 135 140 142.5 82.5 87.5 -92.5 155 165 -170 395 360.20
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brandon Hill 3. R-O -93 88.7 195 210 215 147.5 -155 160 235 250 262.5 637.5 410.04
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships DANE WEEKS 2. R-JR -105 97.8 220 235 245 150 160 162.5 250 262.5 272.5 680 417.66
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Anthony Wolf 7. R-O -105 95.8 197.5 212.5 227.5 142.5 150 -157.5 217.5 237.5 -247.5 615 381.12
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Robin Shell 1. R-M1B -63 61.8 62.5 65 -67.5 115 122.5 127.5 192.5 209.79
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Kimberly Bondad 2. R-O -52 51 90 -92.5 92.5 42.5 47.5 50 112.5 117.5 125 267.5 338.49
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Tyree Dunn 1. R-O 120+ 134.8 315 325 330 182.5 190 -192.5 305 320 327.5 847.5 476.38
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Ramy Abukwiek 2. R-JR -66 64.8 140 155 -165 90 97.5 100 180 190 200 455 362.77
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Wesley Knox 2. R-O -120 119.1 220 235 -250 137.5 150 -155 240 250 255 640 368.58
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Derrick Young 1. R-O -105 104.2 187.5 192.5 -197.5 277.5 285 -295 477.5 286.12
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Sheila Farrance 1. R-M1A -57 56 80 87.5 92.5 -42.5 45 50 142.5 152.5 -160 295 347.10
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Ben Friel 1. R-O -66 64.8 -85 85 -110 85 67.77
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Eric Edmiston 2. R-O -93 90.5 220 232.5 -242.5 137.5 145 147.5 257.5 275 -285 655 416.97
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Takeru Nishi 1. R-JR -66 65.5 167.5 177.5 182.5 117.5 -125 125 210 225 235 542.5 428.63
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Susan Hallen 1. R-M2B 84+ 106.7 110 -125 130 80 90 95 125 137.5 145 370 302.88
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Lindsey Rossiter 1. R-JR -63 62.5 107.5 -112.5 112.5 65 -70 -70 145 155 -160 332.5 359.27
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships James Perry II 1. M1a -105 103.3 222.5 240 -267.5 115 122.5 -150 240 -257.5 602.5 362.16
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Lindsey Terrell 4. R-O -72 69.6 102.5 -110 110 62.5 -67.5 -70 102.5 115 -125 287.5 287.16
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Rocco Chirumbolo 3. R-O -83 82.7 190 200 -205 120 125 -127.5 240 -250 250 575 384.62
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Amanda DOll 1. R-O 84+ 121.4 135 142.5 150 -85 85 -90 142.5 150 -157.5 385 307.23
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Aaron Morman 1. R-O 120+ 150.5 202.5 217.5 -227.5 -272.5 272.5 -292.5 490 270.97
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Anthony Taliani 11. R-O -93 91.4 -165 175 -180 115 120 -125 207.5 217.5 227.5 522.5 331.00
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships JOSHUA DELONG 2. R-O -74 73.8 157.5 162.5 165 135 137.5 -140 215 220 225 527.5 380.17
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Terrance Dowhan 3. R-JR -93 90.9 175 182.5 -187.5 117.5 122.5 -127.5 215 222.5 230 535 339.83
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Kevin Terrell 12. R-O -105 99.4 140 145 155 110 115 117.5 160 175 185 457.5 279.12
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Sharice Odom 2. R-O -63 60.6 -112.5 115 117.5 -60 60 -62.5 150 157.5 160 337.5 373.38
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brian Moore 3. R-O -105 93.4 167.5 -175 -175 205 215 222.5 390 244.49
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Lindsey Rossiter 3. R-O -63 62.5 107.5 -112.5 112.5 65 -70 -70 145 155 -160 332.5 359.27
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Jillian Phillips 2. R-O 84+ 102.2 137.5 142.5 -147.5 62.5 67.5 -70 160 -165 -165 370 306.18
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships David Vlink 12. R-O -93 92.5 140 147.5 152.5 117.5 -125 -125 177.5 187.5 200 470 296.01
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Kylie Redman 1. R-T3 -72 68.6 -72.5 75 -77.5 107.5 115 122.5 197.5 199.28
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Terrance Dowhan 10. R-O -93 90.9 175 182.5 -187.5 117.5 122.5 -127.5 215 222.5 230 535 339.83
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Matthew Bromelmeier 1. R-O -74 73.1 125 -130 -130 240 252.5 -262.5 377.5 273.91
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Isabelle Greenblatt 5. R-O -72 70.2 87.5 92.5 97.5 47.5 -52.5 -52.5 102.5 115 122.5 267.5 265.60
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Joshua Tollison 1. R-O -105 102.8 257.5 272.5 280 172.5 182.5 -185 250 272.5 -295 735 442.54
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Kevin Terrell 1. R-M1B -105 99.4 140 145 155 110 115 117.5 160 175 185 457.5 279.12
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Amanda DOll 2. R-O 84+ 121.4 -85 85 -90 142.5 150 -157.5 235 187.53
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Sharice Odom 1. R-O -63 60.6 -60 60 -62.5 150 157.5 160 220 243.39
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brian Moore 1. R-M1B -105 93.4 167.5 -175 -175 205 215 222.5 390 244.49
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Shanolen Kendall 1. R-O 84+ 140.3 80 90 -95 140 145 150 240 186.55
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Andrew Donati 1. R-T3 -105 103.9 192.5 -205 -205 107.5 115 122.5 205 222.5 -240 537.5 322.39
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Katrina Parsons 1. R-O -72 68.9 110 115 120 72.5 75 -77.5 152.5 157.5 160 355 357.09
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Louis Gumma 1. R-JR -105 103 242.5 255 262.5 142.5 165 167.5 240 255 -265 685 412.16
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Michael Gomillion 4. R-JR -93 90.1 135 145 152.5 82.5 90 -100 -170 170 -175 412.5 263.18
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Kylie Redman 2. R-O -72 68.6 -72.5 75 -77.5 107.5 115 122.5 197.5 199.28
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Lukas Indre 6. R-O -93 91.8 182.5 192.5 212.5 130 132.5 135 237.5 252.5 262.5 610 385.58
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Daniel Ramacciato 3. R-O -74 73.4 -165 165 175 125 -130 -130 195 210 -225 510 368.99
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brent Kirk 7. R-O -93 90.8 207.5 -217.5 -217.5 137.5 142.5 -145 210 227.5 245 595 378.18
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Amanda DOll 1. R-O 84+ 121.4 -85 85 -90 85 67.83
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Timithy Kenefic 3. R-O -120 119.6 205 220 227.5 132.5 140 147.5 182.5 200 215 590 339.49
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Adeel Bari 1. R-T3 -59 57.6 110 125 130 85 92.5 95 155 -172.5 182.5 407.5 361.00
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Shanolen Kendall 1. R-M1A 84+ 140.3 80 90 -95 140 145 150 240 186.55
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brian Moore 1. R-O -105 93.4 167.5 -175 -175 167.5 105.01
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Katrina Parsons 1. R-O -72 68.9 72.5 75 -77.5 152.5 157.5 160 235 236.39
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Andrew Donati 11. R-O -105 103.9 192.5 -205 -205 107.5 115 122.5 205 222.5 -240 537.5 322.39
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Louis Gumma 2. R-O -105 103 242.5 255 262.5 142.5 165 167.5 240 255 -265 685 412.16
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Kylie Redman 1. R-T3 -72 68.6 -72.5 75 -77.5 75 75.68
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Michael Gomillion 13. R-O -93 90.1 135 145 152.5 82.5 90 -100 -170 170 -175 412.5 263.18
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Sammy Abukwiek 5. R-O -83 80.7 155 165 177.5 -100 100 110 190 200 212.5 500 339.50
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Daniel Ehle 9. R-O -93 89.5 167.5 -172.5 175 125 132.5 -137.5 220 232.5 240 547.5 350.51
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships JOSHUA DELONG 1. R-T2 -74 73.8 157.5 162.5 165 135 137.5 -140 215 220 225 527.5 380.17
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships James Perry II 1. O -105 103.3 222.5 240 -267.5 115 122.5 -150 240 -257.5 602.5 362.16
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Amber Gabbard 5. R-O 84+ 85.4 72.5 77.5 -85 45 -52.5 -52.5 95 100 105 227.5 201.25
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Adeel Bari 1. R-O -59 57.3 110 125 130 85 92.5 95 155 -172.5 182.5 407.5 362.84
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Brian Moore 1. R-M1B -105 93.4 167.5 -175 -175 167.5 105.01
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Mac Sankoe 4. R-O -105 103.1 235 247.5 255 152.5 162.5 -167.5 240 250 260 677.5 407.52
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Katrina Parsons 2. R-O -72 68.9 72.5 75 -77.5 75 75.44
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Jennifer DeSico 1. R-O -63 62.7 130 137.5 142.5 80 -85 -85 132.5 142.5 147.5 370 398.82
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Travis Sholley 14. R-O -93 92.7 -220 220 -230 -132.5 -132.5 132.5 352.5 221.79
11/05/2016 2016 Mid-West & Central Region Championships Kylie Redman 1. R-O -72 68.6 -72.5 75 -77.5 75 75.68