Lifting Database


Risk Barbell Summer Smash

Date: 06/25/2022
Sanction #: KS-2022-02
State: Kansas
Meet Director: Kati Jones

Results (91 results, 89 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Male - Raw Master 4a
-90 1. Harold Bellerive 1951 KS 88.35 120 -137.5 -137.5 120 78.33
Male - Raw Teen 2
-90 1. Brennan Fairall 2004 KS 88.85 105 107.5 -112.5 107.5 69.97
Female - Raw Junior
-60 1. Alyssa McNany 2001 KS 59.10 -115 115 122.5 45 47.5 52.5 115 120 125 300 335.77 X
-75 1. Isabel Rivera 2001 KS 73.20 100 107.5 115 52.5 57.5 -62.5 110 117.5 122.5 295 291.07
Female - Raw Master 1a
-90 1. Brianne Stucker 1981 KS 84.30 40 47.5 55 40 45 -47.5 72.5 80 87.5 187.5 172.24
Female - Raw Open
-90 1. Michelle Do 1994 KS 83.10 -80 80 82.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 110 115 120 275 254.35
-67.5 1. Fiona Segale 1997 KS 63.20 97.5 102.5 107.5 55 -57.5 -57.5 137.5 142.5 -147.5 305 327.40
-82.5 1. Elizabeth Allee 1991 KS 82.50 125 130 -135 77.5 82.5 -85 150 160 172.5 385 357.33
-82.5 2. Moriah Plowden 1994 KS 82.50 110 117.5 -122.5 70 72.5 77.5 142.5 152.5 165 360 334.13
-82.5 3. Missy Stiner 1989 KS 78.90 100 107.5 112.5 35 40 45 115 120 122.5 280 265.67
Female - Raw Teen 2
-52 1. Abby Brewer 2005 KS 49.30 90 97.5 -102.5 45 47.5 -52.5 85 90 97.5 242.5 306.93
-75 1. Gennie Vitt 2004 KS 69.10 145 155 162.5 82.5 -85 -85 145 155 -160 400 407.46 X
-67.5 1. Abigail Amend 2006 KS 63.10 90 97.5 102.5 47.5 55 60 92.5 100 105 267.5 287.42
Female - Raw Teen 3
-75 1. Jazleen Salas 2002 KS 74.00 120 125 130 72.5 -75 150 157.5 162.5 365 358.05
Female - Raw with Wraps Junior
-60 1. Lexi Hyatt 2002 KS 57.90 112.5 115 122.5 -60 -60 60 -112.5 115 120 302.5 343.06
Female - Raw Youth 1
-35 1. Kynnedy Gill 2013 KS 33.10 20 27.5 35 17.5 20 -22.5 47.5 52.5 -57.5 107.5 187.44
Male - Raw Junior
-90 1. Braxton Davis 2001 KS 85.30 255 262.5 275 -167.5 -175 175 270 282.5 300 750 498.74 X
-90 2. Mikel Bozarth 2000 KS 87.95 252.5 265 -275 140 145 150 240 245 -250 660 431.82
-90 3. Riley Akiu 2000 KS 89.20 220 232.5 245 125 135 -140 240 255 272.5 652.5 423.82
-90 4. Brandon Payne 2000 KS 84.50 212.5 220 230 140 -147.5 -147.5 220 -230 -232.5 590 394.36
-100 1. Michael Carter 1999 KS 95.50 252.5 260 -272.5 -142.5 142.5 147.5 292.5 302.5 310 717.5 450.83
-100 2. Joseph Alston 1999 KS 95.75 220 230 237.5 112.5 120 -125 230 245 260 617.5 387.53
-125 1. Mateo Florez 2001 KS 120.95 225 250 262.5 145 155 162.5 255 267.5 272.5 697.5 399.53 X
-125 2. Anthony Crawford 1999 KS 117.30 200 207.5 217.5 140 145 150 227.5 237.5 -245 605 350.14
-82.5 1. Samuel Heim 2000 KS 82.25 220 225 -230 135 -140 140 210 220 -227.5 585 396.96
-82.5 2. Brian Clark 2000 KS 80.10 212.5 220 227.5 110 115 120 220 230 -235 577.5 397.92
-82.5 3. Jonas Koehn 2001 KS 81.85 182.5 192.5 -200 140 147.5 -155 205 232.5 -245 572.5 389.56
-82.5 4. Ollie Mcgee 2000 KS 78.50 200 210 215 125 -137.5 -137.5 220 227.5 -232.5 567.5 395.76
-82.5 5. Trent voth 2002 KS 81.95 185 192.5 205 125 132.5 -140 220 230 -242.5 567.5 385.89
-82.5 6. Theo Sharp 1998 KS 78.50 -185 195 205 112.5 120 -125 212.5 222.5 230 555 387.04
-82.5 7. Gavin Fitch 2000 KS 78.20 -180 180 187.5 120 -135 -135 192.5 200 220 527.5 368.72
-82.5 8. Germany Washington 2002 KS 76.60 157.5 165 -167.5 110 117.5 -122.5 210 227.5 -235 510 361.05
-82.5 9. Slade Negus 1999 KS 80.95 172.5 182.5 187.5 115 120 -125 167.5 187.5 190 497.5 340.69
Male - Raw Master 2b
-90 1. Steve Stout 1963 KS 87.35 167.5 177.5 182.5 122.5 137.5 142.5 200 210 217.5 542.5 356.21
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Brian Counsil 2003 KS 73.90 215 -227.5 135 140 145 200 -210 210 570 412.84 X
-75 2. Evan Schmitz 2003 KS 73.20 157.5 165 167.5 115 -127.5 -127.5 182.5 200 -212.5 482.5 351.65
-90 1. Chris Salazar 1995 KS 89.70 235 -245 245 -177.5 177.5 277.5 290 300 722.5 467.96
-90 2. Mikel Bozarth 2000 KS 87.95 252.5 265 -275 140 145 150 240 245 -250 660 431.82
-90 3. Alejandro Espinoza 1997 KS 89.60 195 202.5 220 145 155 -162.5 227.5 245 255 630 408.28
-90 4. Jonathan Hayward 1992 KS 85.85 202.5 215 -220 147.5 -155 -155 227.5 240 -257.5 602.5 399.26
-90 5. Joshua Bostian 1995 KS 87.20 175 182.5 185 102.5 107.5 112.5 200 222.5 -232.5 520 341.75
-100 1. Curtis Whitten 1997 KS 97.80 277.5 287.5 295 135 145 150 290 300 307.5 752.5 467.73 X
-100 2. Nehemiah Scott 1992 KS 98.80 250 260 272.5 165 -172.5 -175 235 242.5 -255 680 420.76
-100 3. Jacob Hamrick 1997 MO 96.25 215 225 232.5 120 125 130 247.5 262.5 265 627.5 392.86
-100 4. Eric Lewandowski 1997 KS 96.70 200 212.5 222.5 122.5 130 -137.5 230 242.5 255 607.5 379.53
-100 - Curtis Light 1999 KS 94.40 -202.5 -202.5 -202.5 142.5 -150 -152.5 227.5 240 250 0 0.00
-100 - Zachary Collins 1992 KS 99.15 217.5 225 240 -160 -160 237.5 252.5 -267.5 0 0.00
-110 1. Alexander DuPree 1991 KS 106.10 175 182.5 192.5 130 135 142.5 185 200 210 545 327.32
-125 1. Mateo Florez 2001 KS 120.95 225 250 262.5 145 155 162.5 255 267.5 272.5 697.5 399.53 X
-125 2. Matthew Alarcon 1995 KS 112.65 165 180 -185 147.5 157.5 -167.5 207.5 225 -230 562.5 330.23
-125 3. Andrew Shores 1993 KS 124.80 -165 165 177.5 107.5 115 -117.5 192.5 197.5 202.5 495 280.69
-140 - James Allen 1990 KS 136.20 -225 -232.5 -232.5 137.5 142.5 150 245 -255 -255 0 0.00
-67.5 1. Eric Ramirez 2002 KS 66.10 125 142.5 162.5 102.5 115 122.5 165 182.5 197.5 482.5 377.63
-67.5 2. Antonyio Villarreal 1997 KS 66.40 145 -160 -160 85 -95 95 150 165 -172.5 405 315.92
-67.5 3. Paul McDonald 1992 CO 64.45 130 -135 140 85 -90 -90 145 147.5 150 375 299.11
-82.5 1. Thai Nguyen 1988 KS 81.10 207.5 217.5 227.5 157.5 165 -170 250 265 -272.5 657.5 449.77
-82.5 2. Austin Perry 1998 MO 82.20 195 207.5 220 122.5 130 137.5 205 220 232.5 590 400.49 X
Male - Raw Teen 2
-56 1. Logan Garrison 2005 KS 53.40 80 87.5 92.5 50 55 57.5 100 -105 105 255 238.24
-60 1. Britton Ford 2006 KS 59.30 150 157.5 -172.5 77.5 85 -92.5 175 185 192.5 435 370.73
-75 1. Kasey Pham 2005 KS 72.90 190 200 210 107.5 115 -117.5 240 -255 255 580 423.86
-75 2. Drew Waner 2005 KS 70.80 135 145 160 90 -97.5 -100 -180 -192.5 192.5 442.5 329.79
-100 1. Nolan Graupmann 2005 KS 96.05 200 220 227.5 102.5 107.5 -112.5 205 220 -235 555 347.81
-67.5 1. Breckin Bowin 2004 KS 64.10 162.5 170 175 97.5 105 110 175 185 192.5 477.5 382.45
-67.5 2. Leonel Jaimes 2005 KS 64.70 137.5 145 -150 80 85 -90 -170 180 -190 410 326.07
-82.5 1. Austin Turner 2004 KS 79.20 -205 217.5 227.5 110 122.5 -132.5 200 207.5 -220 557.5 386.72
-82.5 2. Caleb Courter 2006 KS 76.50 140 150 160 110 120 125 150 160 -182.5 445 315.29
-82.5 3. Daniel Vitztum 2005 KS 78.30 122.5 127.5 132.5 75 80 -87.5 150 160 172.5 385 268.90
Male - Raw Teen 3
-75 1. Chase Martindale 2003 KS 74.10 180 190 197.5 117.5 125 -130 197.5 210 225 547.5 395.85
-75 2. Garrett Reimche 2004 KS 74.05 157.5 162.5 170 112.5 120 -122.5 215 225 227.5 517.5 374.33
-75 3. Clayton Bailey 2003 KS 74.50 175 -180 185 92.5 97.5 102.5 175 185 -190 472.5 340.44
-75 4. Rowdy Waits 2002 OK 73.70 142.5 155 170 102.5 112.5 115 160 172.5 182.5 467.5 339.20
-100 1. Dylan Reese 2003 KS 96.40 220 232.5 -242.5 125 132.5 -137.5 230 250 -272.5 615 384.76
-100 2. Alan Navarro 2004 KS 99.75 230 240 245 110 115 122.5 202.5 212.5 -217.5 580 357.39
-100 3. Bishop Hunt 2003 KS 96.85 167.5 180 -195 75 85 -87.5 152.5 167.5 182.5 447.5 279.38
-110 1. Levi Derksen 2003 KS 106.00 215 227.5 230 122.5 135 137.5 215 230 237.5 605 363.49 X
-140 1. Duncan Avants 2003 KS 134.00 195 207.5 210 145 157.5 -165 227.5 -250 -250 595 330.18
-67.5 1. Thomas Noonan 2004 KS 66.70 145 155 162.5 80 82.5 87.5 210 222.5 -232.5 472.5 367.35
-67.5 2. Ean Cousens 2003 KS 64.75 147.5 155 165 95 97.5 102.5 -192.5 200 -210 467.5 371.58 X
-67.5 3. Jaxon Trower 2004 KS 66.15 120 130 -140 85 -92.5 97.5 170 185 -192.5 412.5 322.66
-67.5 4. Grant Jones 2003 KS 66.85 140 147.5 -152.5 95 102.5 -107.5 -152.5 -155 155 405 314.35
-82.5 1. Brody Littrell 2004 KS 80.55 225 240 250 125 135 140 215 230 247.5 637.5 437.82 X
-82.5 2. Bao Nguyen 2003 KS 82.05 200 215 222.5 125 -132.5 132.5 -195 205 -212.5 560 380.52
-82.5 3. Steven Nguyen 2003 KS 81.10 182.5 190 195 112.5 -117.5 -117.5 212.5 220 230 537.5 367.69
-82.5 4. Jaxon Lindsay 2004 KS 80.65 150 167.5 -182.5 90 100 110 165 187.5 202.5 480 329.42
Male - Raw with Wraps Open
-100 1. Erik Dobbins 1989 KS 98.40 190 207.5 210 140 -147.5 -147.5 225 247.5 -260 597.5 370.38
Male - Raw Youth 2
-90 1. Cooper Rochel 2011 KS 88.10 95 100 107.5 45 50 -55 107.5 115 127.5 285 186.30
Male - Raw Youth 3
-44 1. Logan Taylor 2009 KS 43.60 37.5 40 -42.5 27.5 30 -35 50 55 -62.5 125 143.63
Push Pull
Female - Raw Master 3a
-75 1. Karen Gehle 1959 KS 71.50 -30 35 -37.5 92.5 97.5 102.5 137.5 137.42
Female - Raw Open
-75 1. Brooke Sorenson 1990 KS 71.70 45 47.5 -50 77.5 85 95 142.5 142.20
-90 1. Matilde Duque 1996 KS 84.10 -85 85 -90 172.5 180 185 270 248.30
Male - Raw Open
-110 1. Adam Reust 1995 IN 108.90 145 -147.5 -147.5 165 185 200 345 205.11


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -60 Deadlift single lift Britton Ford 192.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -67.5 Deadlift single lift Thomas Noonan 222.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -67.5 Deadlift Thomas Noonan 222.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -75 Bench press single lift Brian Counsil 145 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -75 Total push-pull Kasey Pham 370 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -75 Deadlift single lift Kasey Pham 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -75 Total Kasey Pham 580 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -75 Deadlift Kasey Pham 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Deadlift single lift Brody Littrell 247.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Total Brody Littrell 637.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -82.5 Squat Brody Littrell 250 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -90 Total push-pull Braxton Davis 475 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -90 Deadlift single lift Braxton Davis 300 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -90 Bench press single lift Braxton Davis 175 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -90 Total Braxton Davis 750 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -90 Deadlift Braxton Davis 300 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -90 Bench press Braxton Davis 175 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -90 Squat Braxton Davis 275 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -100 Total push-pull Michael Carter 457.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -100 Squat Michael Carter 260 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -125 Total push-pull Mateo Florez 435 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -125 Deadlift single lift Mateo Florez 272.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -125 Deadlift Mateo Florez 272.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Total push-pull Steve Stout 360 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Deadlift single lift Steve Stout 217.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Bench press single lift Steve Stout 142.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Total Steve Stout 542.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Deadlift Steve Stout 217.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Bench press Steve Stout 142.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1A -90 Squat Steve Stout 182.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Total push-pull Steve Stout 360 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Deadlift single lift Steve Stout 217.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Bench press single lift Steve Stout 142.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Total Steve Stout 542.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Deadlift Steve Stout 217.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Bench press Steve Stout 142.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M1B -90 Squat Steve Stout 182.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Total push-pull Steve Stout 360 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Deadlift single lift Steve Stout 217.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Bench press single lift Steve Stout 142.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Total Steve Stout 542.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Deadlift Steve Stout 217.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Bench press Steve Stout 142.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2A -90 Squat Steve Stout 182.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Total push-pull Steve Stout 360 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-M2B -90 Deadlift single lift Steve Stout 217.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -60 Deadlift single lift Britton Ford 192.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -67.5 Deadlift single lift Thomas Noonan 222.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -67.5 Deadlift Thomas Noonan 222.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -75 Total push-pull Kasey Pham 370 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -75 Deadlift single lift Kasey Pham 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -75 Deadlift Kasey Pham 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Squat Brody Littrell 250 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total push-pull Thai Nguyen 430 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Deadlift single lift Thai Nguyen 265 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Bench press single lift Thai Nguyen 165 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total Thai Nguyen 657.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Bench press Thai Nguyen 165 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -90 Deadlift single lift Braxton Davis 300 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -90 Deadlift Braxton Davis 300 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -90 Squat Braxton Davis 275 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -90 Total push-pull Chris Salazar 477.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -100 Squat Curtis Whitten 295 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -100 Total push-pull Michael Carter 457.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -125 Total push-pull Mateo Florez 435 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -125 Deadlift single lift Mateo Florez 272.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -125 Squat Mateo Florez 262.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T1 -90 Total push-pull Cooper Rochel 177.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T1 -90 Deadlift single lift Cooper Rochel 127.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T1 -90 Bench press single lift Cooper Rochel 50 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T1 -90 Total Cooper Rochel 285 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T1 -90 Deadlift Cooper Rochel 127.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T1 -90 Bench press Cooper Rochel 50 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T1 -90 Squat Cooper Rochel 107.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -60 Deadlift single lift Britton Ford 192.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -60 Deadlift Britton Ford 192.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Total push-pull Breckin Bowin 302.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Breckin Bowin 192.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Total push-pull Kasey Pham 370 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Deadlift single lift Kasey Pham 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Total Kasey Pham 580 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Deadlift Kasey Pham 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Squat Kasey Pham 210 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Total push-pull Nolan Graupmann 327.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Deadlift single lift Nolan Graupmann 220 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -100 Squat Nolan Graupmann 227.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Deadlift single lift Britton Ford 192.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -60 Deadlift Britton Ford 192.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Deadlift single lift Thomas Noonan 222.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -67.5 Deadlift Thomas Noonan 222.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Bench press single lift Brian Counsil 145 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Bench press Brian Counsil 145 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Total push-pull Kasey Pham 370 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Deadlift single lift Kasey Pham 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Total Kasey Pham 580 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Deadlift Kasey Pham 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Total push-pull Brody Littrell 387.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Deadlift single lift Brody Littrell 247.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Total Brody Littrell 637.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -82.5 Squat Brody Littrell 250 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -100 Squat Alan Navarro 245 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -140 Squat Duncan Avants 210 kg
Kansas State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -100 Total push-pull Erik Dobbins 387.5 kg
Kansas State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -100 Deadlift single lift Erik Dobbins 247.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Total push-pull Cooper Rochel 177.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Deadlift single lift Cooper Rochel 127.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Bench press single lift Cooper Rochel 50 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Total Cooper Rochel 285 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Deadlift Cooper Rochel 127.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Bench press Cooper Rochel 50 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -90 Squat Cooper Rochel 107.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -44 Total push-pull Logan Taylor 85 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -44 Deadlift single lift Logan Taylor 55 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -44 Bench press single lift Logan Taylor 30 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -44 Total Logan Taylor 125 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -44 Deadlift Logan Taylor 55 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -44 Bench press Logan Taylor 30 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -44 Squat Logan Taylor 40 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -90 Total push-pull Cooper Rochel 177.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -90 Deadlift single lift Cooper Rochel 127.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -90 Bench press single lift Cooper Rochel 50 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -90 Total Cooper Rochel 285 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -90 Deadlift Cooper Rochel 127.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -90 Bench press Cooper Rochel 50 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -90 Squat Cooper Rochel 107.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -60 Total push-pull Alyssa McNany 177.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -60 Deadlift single lift Alyssa McNany 125 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -60 Total Alyssa McNany 300 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -60 Deadlift Alyssa McNany 125 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -75 Total push-pull Gennie Vitt 237.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -75 Squat Gennie Vitt 162.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-JR -75 Deadlift single lift Jazleen Salas 162.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Total push-pull Elizabeth Allee 255 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -82.5 Deadlift single lift Elizabeth Allee 172.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -90 Total push-pull Matilde Duque 270 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -90 Deadlift single lift Matilde Duque 185 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-O -90 Bench press single lift Matilde Duque 85 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Total push-pull Abby Brewer 145 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Deadlift single lift Abby Brewer 97.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Bench press single lift Abby Brewer 47.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -52 Squat Abby Brewer 97.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Total push-pull Gennie Vitt 237.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Deadlift single lift Gennie Vitt 155 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Bench press single lift Gennie Vitt 82.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Total Gennie Vitt 400 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Deadlift Gennie Vitt 155 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Bench press Gennie Vitt 82.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T2 -75 Squat Gennie Vitt 162.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Total push-pull Abby Brewer 145 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Deadlift single lift Abby Brewer 97.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Bench press single lift Abby Brewer 47.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Deadlift Abby Brewer 97.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Bench press Abby Brewer 47.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -52 Squat Abby Brewer 97.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Total push-pull Gennie Vitt 237.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Total Gennie Vitt 400 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Squat Gennie Vitt 162.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Deadlift single lift Jazleen Salas 162.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-T3 -75 Deadlift Jazleen Salas 162.5 kg
Kansas State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -60 Total push-pull Lexi Hyatt 180 kg
Kansas State Raw with Wraps Records RW-JR -60 Deadlift single lift Lexi Hyatt 120 kg
Kansas State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -60 Total push-pull Lexi Hyatt 180 kg
Kansas State Raw with Wraps Records RW-O -60 Deadlift single lift Lexi Hyatt 120 kg
Kansas State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T3 -60 Total push-pull Lexi Hyatt 180 kg
Kansas State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T3 -60 Deadlift single lift Lexi Hyatt 120 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Total push-pull Kynnedy Gill 72.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Deadlift single lift Kynnedy Gill 52.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Bench press single lift Kynnedy Gill 20 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Total Kynnedy Gill 107.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Deadlift Kynnedy Gill 52.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Bench press Kynnedy Gill 20 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y1 -35 Squat Kynnedy Gill 35 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -35 Total push-pull Kynnedy Gill 72.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -35 Deadlift single lift Kynnedy Gill 52.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -35 Bench press single lift Kynnedy Gill 20 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -35 Total Kynnedy Gill 107.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -35 Deadlift Kynnedy Gill 52.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -35 Bench press Kynnedy Gill 20 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y2 -35 Squat Kynnedy Gill 35 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -35 Total push-pull Kynnedy Gill 72.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -35 Deadlift single lift Kynnedy Gill 52.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -35 Bench press single lift Kynnedy Gill 20 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -35 Total Kynnedy Gill 107.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -35 Deadlift Kynnedy Gill 52.5 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -35 Bench press Kynnedy Gill 20 kg
Kansas State Raw Records R-Y3 -35 Squat Kynnedy Gill 35 kg