Lifting Database

Lifter - Jake Cherubini

Birth year: 1995
State: New York
Team: Bent Bar Powerlifting


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 230 kg New York State Championships 06/15/2019
Bench press 147.5 kg New York State Championships 06/15/2019
Deadlift 257.5 kg New York State Championships 06/15/2019
Total 635 kg New York State Championships 06/15/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/15/2019 New York State Championships 4. R-O -83 82.00 217.5 225 230 145 147.5 -150 247.5 257.5 -267.5 635 641.55
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals 15. R-JR -83 79.90 200 215 222.5 137.5 145 -147.5 230 245 -250 612.5 418.46
04/14/2018 Spring Break Throwdown 1. R-JR -83 78.10 185 195 202.5 135 142.5 -145 240 250 -265 595 412.51 X
04/14/2018 Spring Break Throwdown 1. R-O -83 78.10 185 195 202.5 135 142.5 -145 240 250 -265 595 412.51 X
11/11/2017 Salute to Service 3. R-JR -83 76.90 200 212.5 -217.5 130 135 140 235 252.5 -265 605 423.80
11/11/2017 Salute to Service 3. R-O -83 76.90 200 212.5 -217.5 130 135 140 235 252.5 -265 605 423.80
07/08/2017 Liberty Games 2017 1. R-JR -74 73.50 185 195 -205 127.5 -135 -135 217.5 227.5 -240 550 397.54 X
03/11/2017 2017 Spring Forward Championship 2. R-JR -83 76.70 175 185 195 120 127.5 132.5 215 222.5 -247.5 550 385.94
10/02/2016 New York State Championships 2. R-JR -74 72.80 165 175 182.5 110 115 120 190 -200 205 507.5 369.36
04/30/2016 SBWC Spring Classic 6. R-JR -74 71.00 162.5 172.5 -182.5 105 -112.5 -112.5 -185 185 -200 462.5 342.90
04/30/2016 SBWC Spring Classic 15. R-O -74 71.00 162.5 172.5 -182.5 105 -112.5 -112.5 -185 185 -200 462.5 342.90
10/15/2015 2015 Raw Nationals 31. R-JR -74 68.20 150 -160 -160 -100 100 -105 175 -177.5 -177.5 425 325.00
08/15/2015 2015 USAPL Limitless Championship 1. R-JR -66 66.00 140 -150 160 100 -105 105 165 175 185 450 353.34