Lifting Database

Lifter - Brian Badger

Birth year: 1984
State: Virginia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 242.5 kg Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 07/18/2015
Bench press 167.5 kg 2015 Raw Nationals 10/15/2015
Deadlift 285 kg Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 07/18/2015
Total 677.5 kg Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 07/18/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/04/2015 14th Annual USAPL American Open Powerlifting Championships 4. R-O -120 119.30 225 240 -250 157.5 -162.5 265 275 -295 672.5 387.16
10/15/2015 2015 Raw Nationals 17. R-O 120+ 123.90 225 240 -252.5 160 167.5 -172.5 265 -287.5 672.5 383.93
07/18/2015 Gym and TLS Raw Challenge 1. R-O -120 118.40 225 242.5 -247.5 142.5 -150 150 245 265 285 677.5 390.78