Lifting Database

Lifter - Ryan Findell

Birth year: 1985
State: Minnesota


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 275 kg Minnesota Junior Open and Master State Championships 02/11/2023
Bench press 200 kg Minnesota Junior, Open and Master State Championships 01/11/2025
Deadlift 320 kg Minnesota Junior, Open and Master State Championships 01/11/2025
Total 775 kg Minnesota Junior, Open and Master State Championships 01/11/2025

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/11/2025 Minnesota Junior, Open and Master State Championships 2. R-O 140+ 188.95 255 -285 -285 185 195 200 285 310 320 775 392.76 X
01/11/2025 Minnesota Junior, Open and Master State Championships 1. R-O 140+ 188.95 255 -285 -285 185 195 200 285 310 320 775 392.76
02/11/2023 Minnesota Junior Open and Master State Championships 1. R-O 140+ 184.10 -275 275 -295 165 182.5 -195 275 300 -325 757.5 386.33 X
03/04/2017 2017 Minnesota State Men's Powerlifting Championships 1. R-O 120+ 159.50 227.5 240 250 165 172.5 -180 272.5 287.5 -292.5 710 389.44
08/20/2016 Twin Cities Open 1. R-O 120+ 156.20 202.5 212.5 227.5 165 170 -182.5 262.5 282.5 -290 680 374.07