Lifting Database

Lifter - Manuela G Toscano

Birth year: 1996
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 147.5 kg Battle on the Border 03/06/2021
Bench press 52.5 kg Battle on the Border 03/06/2021
Deadlift 150 kg Battle on the Border 03/06/2021
Total 350 kg Battle on the Border 03/06/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/06/2021 Battle on the Border 1. R-O -69 68.90 125 137.5 147.5 52.5 -57.5 -57.5 92.5 150 -160 350 72.57
03/14/2020 Battle on the Border 1. R-JR -72 70.90 102.5 107.5 110 47.5 -50 -50 107.5 127.5 135 292.5 478.87

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 107.5 kg Winter Iron Open 12/21/2019
Bench press 47.5 kg Winter Iron Open 12/21/2019
Deadlift 135 kg Winter Iron Open 12/21/2019
Total 290 kg Winter Iron Open 12/21/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/21/2019 Winter Iron Open 1. JR -72 70.20 97.5 102.5 107.5 42.5 -47.5 47.5 -125 135 -140 290 408.95