Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
06/22/2024 Beyond Limits Summer Classic Nathan Tepus 3. R-O -90 89.6 202.5 222.5 240 155 170 177.5 200 220 230 647.5 419.74
06/08/2024 Southeast Regional Championship Dominic Rowden 2. R-O -90 86.9 270 -290 -295 150 162.5 -167.5 275 295 300 732.5 482.28
06/08/2024 South West Regional Championships Andrew Gaskell 3. R-JR -90 89.4 190 -205 212.5 122.5 135 -137.5 245 265 -277.5 612.5 397.39
06/01/2024 Gameday Tiki Luau Laisha Gardner 1. R-O -75 73.6 155 175 187.5 110 122.5 127.5 185 195 202.5 517.5 509.30
06/01/2024 Gameday Tiki Luau Cameron Ferguson 2. R-O -100 99.6 245 262.5 275 160 170 177.5 285 302.5 320 772.5 476.42
05/04/2024 Florida Iron Cup Shaun Ottley 2. R-O -125 117.9 220 250 267.5 165 180 187.5 230 265 290 745 430.41
03/23/2024 North Carolina State Championships Matthew Octaviano 1. R-O -110 109.4 270 290 302.5 170 180 187.5 280 305 -325 795 471.83
12/09/2023 Kilo Showdown II Darion Owens 1. R-O -90 87.6 140 155 167.5 95 105 110 205 227.5 242.5 520 340.93
10/28/2023 Arizona Fall Classic Gio Guerrero 2. R-O -75 74.2 200 210 220 132.5 140 145 225 250 -260 615 444.46
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Ashton Rouska 1. R-O -110 105.8 335 371 380.5 205 215 -220 325 372.5 -388.5 968 582.00
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Kelly Lenahan 9. R-O -75 74.6 150 162.5 170 80 87.5 92.5 187.5 202.5 210 472.5 461.38
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Jesse Rodriguez 10. R-O -67.5 67.3 202.5 215 225 150 157.5 162.5 235 250 -260 637.5 492.67
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Jamarr Royster 1. R-G -90 86.8 305 320 325 182.5 185 187.5 -292.5 -292.5 292.5 805 530.24
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals John Gonzaba 18. R-O -67.5 67 197.5 -210 -215 145 152.5 -157.5 205 227.5 247.5 597.5 462.96
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Bella Johnson 19. R-O -67.5 67 150 157.5 -165 100 105 107.5 165 172.5 182.5 447.5 463.83
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Jasmyn Seay 1. R-O -75 74.2 190 202.5 212.5 120 125 130 195 210 217.5 560 548.66
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Bobb Matthews 2. R-O -110 105 317.5 337.5 352.5 222.5 235 240 345 367.5 -392.5 960 578.95
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Brandon Pitre 1. R-O -90 89.6 292.5 305 310 197.5 205 -207.5 337.5 360 -375 875 567.21
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Oscar Hernandez 5. R-JR -75 72.8 215 230 245 142.5 155 -162.5 245 270 290 690 504.79
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Becca Nunns 4. R-O -56 55.2 145 155 -157.5 92.5 97.5 100 167.5 177.5 -182.5 432.5 505.96
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Laisha Gardner 3. R-O -67.5 66.8 160 172.5 182.5 110 115 -119 180 192.5 210 507.5 526.93
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Kieonna Peake 2. R-O -90 88.7 195 210 220 100 107.5 -115 210 230 -237.5 557.5 500.15
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Oscar Hernandez 16. R-O -75 72.8 215 230 245 142.5 155 -162.5 245 270 290 690 504.79
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Quynh-Anh Nguyen 9. R-O -52 51.9 125 -140 140 60 -67.5 -67.5 147.5 160 -170 360 439.27
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Josh Cortez 26. R-O -75 75 220 232.5 240 147.5 155 160 230 245 255 655 469.95
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Carrington Amadi 3. R-O -140 136.9 285 310 322.5 185 192.5 200 332.5 362.5 385 907.5 500.45
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Jonathan Hill 2. R-O -100 97.1 275 300 312.5 175 190 -202.5 315 330 345 847.5 528.46
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Tirsa St Fort 8. R-O -60 59 137.5 147.5 -155 92.5 100 105 160 -172.5 172.5 425 476.44
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Layla Soto 2. R-O -82.5 81.6 200 -216.5 216.5 120 125 130 175 192.5 209 555.5 518.27
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Bria Williams 3. R-O -56 55 150 162.5 172 75 82.5 85 147.5 165 182.5 439.5 515.90
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Alex Luckow 1. R-JR -82.5 82.1 260 275 287.5 172.5 180 182.5 300 328.5 343 813 552.36
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Leanne Le 2. R-O -48 46.3 122.5 132.5 142 72.5 80 82.5 162.5 172.5 -180.5 397 526.38
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Alex Luckow 2. R-O -82.5 82.1 260 275 287.5 172.5 180 182.5 300 328.5 343 813 552.36
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals Daquan Studstill 10. R-O -100 98.9 272.5 300 -322.5 177.5 187.5 -197.5 277.5 305 317.5 805 497.91
08/05/2023 Battle on the Border Isaac Mancha 2. R-O -75 72.8 172.5 185 197.5 100 110 117.5 177.5 200 222.5 537.5 393.16
07/01/2023 TBS Pro Qualifier Laisha Gardner 2. R-O -67.5 66.2 157.5 170 180 110 115 -120 185 195 -210 490 511.63
07/01/2023 TBS Pro Qualifier Tirsa St Fort 8. R-O -60 57.5 135 145 -152.5 90 97.5 102.5 157.5 170 -180 417.5 475.88
07/01/2023 TBS Pro Qualifier Bria Williams 7. R-O -56 55.3 142.5 157.5 165 72.5 80 85 150 165 -180 415 485.37
06/24/2023 Greedy Saturday Invitational Gustavo Rodriguez 2. R-O -82.5 81.1 220 235 250 130 137.5 -140 227.5 250 -267.5 637.5 436.09
06/17/2023 Southeast Regionals Shaun Ottley 5. R-O -110 108 225 240 255 170 182.5 -195 255 275 -295 712.5 424.95
06/03/2023 Carolina Primetime Pro Qualifier Brandon Pitre 1. R-O -90 89.7 290 310 -317.5 -195 195 205 337.5 360 372.5 887.5 574.83
04/01/2023 Battle at Bionic Barbell Jesse Rodriguez 1. R-O -75 68.1 205 215 -222.5 150 157.5 162.5 230 245 260 637.5 488.23
03/18/2023 Make Your Own Luck Open Averil Royal 1. R-O -100 99 270 285 300 175 187.5 197.5 220 240 257.5 755 466.76
03/11/2023 Rising Tide Dominic Rowden 3. R-O -90 85.7 260 280 -295 150 162.5 170 255 280 -310 730 484.21
03/11/2023 Rising Tide Kayleigh Guthrie 2. R-O -75 71.2 165 177.5 187.5 75 82.5 -87.5 157.5 170 -180 440 440.76
03/11/2023 Rising Tide Oscar Hernandez 4. R-O -75 74.3 -202.5 215 230 132.5 145 155 225 250 275 660 476.36
03/11/2023 Rising Tide Gustavo Rodriguez 8. R-O -82.5 81.6 225 235 240 120 130 132.5 222.5 245 265 637.5 434.55
03/11/2023 Rising Tide Alex Luckow 1. R-JR -82.5 82.1 260 275 282.5 175 182.5 185 300 332.5 340 807.5 548.51
03/11/2023 Rising Tide Alex Luckow 1. R-O -82.5 82.1 260 275 282.5 175 182.5 185 300 332.5 340 807.5 548.51
03/11/2023 Madness Open Darion Owens 9. R-O -90 82.6 -145 155 -167.5 92.5 100 107.5 200 210 220 482.5 326.62
03/11/2023 Rising Tide Gio Guerrero 7. R-O -75 73.8 200 210 220 135 140 142.5 227.5 245 -262.5 607.5 440.39
03/11/2023 Rising Tide Bria Williams 2. R-O -56 54.6 140 150 157.5 70 77.5 80 155 -170 170 407.5 480.39
12/03/2022 Florida State Championships Shaun Ottley 2. R-O -110 108.6 212.5 230 242.5 170 180 -187.5 230 255 280 702.5 418.17
11/19/2022 Brawl in the Falls Hunter Howell 1. R-O -82.5 82 175 190 -197.5 105 112.5 115 217.5 227.5 235 540 367.06
11/05/2022 Corrupted Strength Classic Laisha Gardner 2. R-O -67.5 66.4 150 165 170 105 115 117.5 175 185 197.5 485 505.51
11/05/2022 Corrupted Strength Classic Quynh-Anh Nguyen 1. R-JR -56 54.7 135 150 -160 60 67.5 -72.5 137.5 155 170 387.5 456.25
11/05/2022 Corrupted Strength Classic Marcellus Williams 3. R-O -82.5 77.5 215 235 -247.5 150 170 -177.5 250 270 285 690 484.96
11/05/2022 Corrupted Strength Classic Jamarr Royster 1. R-O -82.5 82.5 300 320 327.5 175 185 -187.5 290 307.5 320 832.5 563.93
11/05/2022 Corrupted Strength Classic Carrington Amadi 1. R-O -140 133.3 272.5 292.5 305 180 190 192.5 330 360 380 877.5 487.70
10/15/2022 Carolina Primetime Dominic Rowden 7. R-O -90 85.5 255 277.5 290 150 160 170 250 280 305 765 508.23
09/24/2022 TBS Prime Time and Open Oscar Hernandez 5. R-O -75 73.1 197.5 212.5 225 127.5 142.5 147.5 235 255 -265 627.5 457.74
09/24/2022 TBS Prime Time and Open Derek Akunne 1. R-O -125 121.3 260 280 300 195 210 220 252.5 285 310 830 474.98
09/24/2022 TBS Prime Time and Open Josh Cortez 4. R-O -75 74.7 205 225 232.5 140 147.5 152.5 235 250 -255 635 456.73
09/24/2022 TBS Prime Time and Open Oscar Hernandez 2. R-JR -75 73.1 197.5 212.5 225 127.5 142.5 147.5 235 255 -265 627.5 457.74
09/24/2022 TBS Prime Time and Open Gio Guerrero 7. R-O -75 74.1 192.5 205 215 130 137.5 -145 235 250 -265 602.5 435.62
09/24/2022 TBS Prime Time and Open Bria Williams 1. R-O -56 54.1 135 145 -152.5 60 67.5 -72.5 147.5 162.5 -170 375 444.84
09/10/2022 Iron Wars Andrew Gaskell 2. R-C -90 89.7 -190 205 210 125 132.5 137.5 240 260 -270 607.5 393.47
08/28/2022 Korea Summer Classic Ashton Rouska 1. R-O -110 103.7 320 345 360 190 200 205 332.5 370 382.5 947.5 574.25
07/23/2022 Iron Sight Classic Patrick Jin 1. R-O -100 98.1 210 225 237.5 175 -185 185 255 265 -277.5 687.5 426.75
07/23/2022 Iron Sight Classic Kelly Lenahan 1. R-O -82.5 77.3 150 165 170 77.5 85 90 187.5 200 -210 460 441.03
07/23/2022 Barbells and Barbecue Darion Owens 4. R-O -82.5 79 145 155 162.5 87.5 95 100 187.5 200 210 472.5 328.26
06/18/2022 UBU Dallas Expo Beau Russell 6. R-O -100 98 150 162.5 -172.5 125 135 142.5 200 212.5 227.5 532.5 330.68
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Kayleigh Guthrie 21. R-O -75 72.5 167.5 180 -187.5 67.5 75 80 160 172.5 -180 432.5 428.97
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals John Gonzaba 15. R-O -67.5 67.2 195 212.5 -217.5 142.5 147.5 150 220 235 245 607.5 469.89
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Averil Royal 23. R-O -100 98.2 270 -290 290 175 187.5 -192.5 237.5 257.5 -275 735 456.11
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Becca Dison 23. R-O -56 55.6 135 142.5 147.5 80 85 87.5 135 142.5 147.5 382.5 445.42
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Laisha Gardner 9. R-O -67.5 66.2 150 165 172.5 102.5 110 -115 177.5 190 -200 472.5 493.49
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Brandon Pitre 1. R-O -90 89.2 -295 295 305 197.5 207.5 212.5 320 347.5 365 882.5 573.34
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Charles Okpoko 9. R-O -75 71.3 250 270 -275 162.5 172.5 177.5 270 -282.5 -282.5 717.5 532.30
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Bobb Matthews 1. R-O -100 98.1 310 327.5 340 202.5 210 215 342.5 -370 375 930 577.38
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Jasmyn Seay 1. R-O -75 73.6 -190 190 205 117.5 122.5 127.5 195 210 -215 542.5 533.91
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Jordanne Panton 4. R-O -67.5 64 152.5 162.5 172.5 87.5 92.5 -95 205 220 227.5 492.5 524.57
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Quynh-Anh Nguyen 22. R-O -56 55.3 130 140 147.5 62.5 67.5 70 150 160 167.5 385 449.90
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Marcellus Williams 15. R-O -75 74.5 215 235 245 142.5 157.5 -170 225 270 285 687.5 495.43
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Jesse Rodriguez 10. R-O -67.5 67.3 195 212.5 222.5 140 152.5 160 220 240 -255 622.5 481.03
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Jamarr Royster 3. R-O -90 89 320 332.5 -335.5 175 185 190 290 310 -320 832.5 541.29
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Ashton Rouska 1. R-O -110 101.4 325 -355 355 197.5 202.5 205 327.5 360 365 925 566.06
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Micheal Seay 14. R-O -82.5 79.8 255 270 277.5 187.5 -200 -200 270 -280 735 507.75
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Maria Canela Basilio 5. R-O -100 96.6 190 200 205 100 105 107.5 187.5 -205 -205 500 432.60
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Carrington Amadi 7. R-O -125 124.8 270 285 290 177.5 187.5 -190 330 355 -370 832.5 472.10
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals Alex Luckow 8. R-O -82.5 81.7 250 265 272.5 170 177.5 182.5 295 317.5 -330 772.5 526.35
05/28/2022 Ohio State Championships Nathan Tepus 2. R-O -90 87.4 195 210 220 150 160 -170 205 -220 220 600 393.85
05/28/2022 Ohio Open Nathan Tepus 2. R-O -90 87.4 195 210 220 150 160 -170 205 -220 220 600 393.85
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Quynh-Anh Nguyen 1. R-O -52 52 132.5 142.5 -145 60 65 67.5 145 155 160 370 451.30
04/02/2022 Gameday Barbell Open Dominik Souvannasy 0. R-T3 -75 74.6 195 212.5 -220 -105 -115 -115 -200 0 0.00
02/26/2022 Texas Strength Classic Alexander Ono 4. R-O -75 73.2 190 207.5 217.5 135 142.5 -147.5 215 235 247.5 607.5 442.75
02/26/2022 Texas Strength Classic Marcellus Williams 3. R-O -75 74.1 205 227.5 -245 150 160 -172.5 250 285 -290 672.5 486.23
02/26/2022 Texas Strength Classic Kayleigh Guthrie 1. R-O -75 72.1 170 185 -192.5 70 -75 -80 160 172.5 -182.5 427.5 425.30
02/26/2022 Texas Strength Classic Bria Williams 1. R-O -56 53.9 125 132.5 142.5 57.5 62.5 -67.5 135 150 160 365 434.06
02/26/2022 Texas Strength Classic Justin Torres 4. R-O -90 88 225 -240 240 120 -130 -132.5 240 260 -275 620 405.53
01/29/2022 Chiseled Winter Classic Julian Posas 1. R-JR -90 87.8 227.5 240 255 150 160 170 265 285 -295 710 464.94
01/15/2022 Lion's Den Classic Dominic Rowden 1. R-O -82.5 82.5 245 272.5 -280 145 155 165 265 282.5 -300 720 487.89