Lifting Database


Female - Ohio State Raw Records (2015-2021) Raw Junior 84+ Total
kgClick and drag to zoomWeight19701975198019851990199520002005201020152020400450500550600
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Heidi Lewis 570.5 kg 11/14/2020 Barrels and Bars Confirmed Certificate
Heidi Lewis 527.5 kg 10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Heidi Lewis 525 kg 07/22/2019 4th University Powerlifting Cup Confirmed Certificate
Heidi Lewis 505 kg 04/12/2019 2019 Collegiate Nationals Confirmed Certificate
Heidi Lewis 465 kg 07/09/2018 3rd University Powerlifting Cup Confirmed Certificate
Heidi Lewis 457.5 kg 02/03/2018 2018 Beyond Limits Classic Confirmed Certificate
Heidi Lewis 450 kg 07/10/2017 2nd University Powerlifting Cup - Potchefstroom (South Africa) Confirmed Certificate
Heidi Lewis 410 kg 12/04/2016 No Frills Red Hawke Open Confirmed Certificate
Elizabeth Flinner 392.4 kg 12/31/1969 Confirmed Certificate