Lifting Database


Male - Men's Raw American Records - Retired 2014 Raw Master 1b -110 Total
kgClick and drag to zoomWeightJul '08Oct '08Jan '09Apr '09Jul '09Oct '09Jan '10Apr '10Jul '10Oct '10Jan '11Apr '11Jul '11700625650675725
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Phillip Wylie 705 kg 08/20/2011 "Raw Nationals" Scranton, PA Confirmed Certificate
William Wigmore 662.5 kg 03/05/2010 "Arnold Sports Festival" Columbus, OH Confirmed Certificate
William Wigmore 650 kg 07/01/2009 Charlottesville, VA Confirmed Certificate
Bill Schmidt 645 kg 03/06/2009 Columbus, OH Confirmed Certificate
Ed Kutin 617.5 kg 07/01/2008 St. Louis, MO Confirmed Certificate