Lifting Database


Male - Men's Raw American Records - Retired 2014 Raw Master 3a -75 Deadlift
kgClick and drag to zoomWeightMay '08Sep '08Jan '09May '09Sep '09Jan '10May '10Sep '10Jan '11May '11Sep '11190200210220230240
Name Weight Date Location Status Certificate
Nicholas Theodorou 235 kg 08/20/2011 "Raw Nationals" Scranton, PA Confirmed Certificate
Nicholas Theodorou 230 kg 03/19/2011 "Pennsylvania State Championships" - Ft Washington, PA Confirmed Certificate
Gordon Santee 210.5 kg 02/06/2010 Santa Clarita, CA Confirmed Certificate
Gordon Santee 200 kg 07/01/2009 Charlottesville, VA Confirmed Certificate
Gordon Santee 185 kg 03/01/2008 Hemet, CA Confirmed Certificate