Lifting Database

Lifter - Raul Vazquez Rascon

Birth year: 1991
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 225 kg Kingdom Strikes Back 05/04/2024
Bench press 160 kg Battle on the Border 03/06/2021
Deadlift 302.5 kg Kingdom Strikes Back 05/04/2024
Total 655 kg Battle on the Border 03/06/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/04/2024 Kingdom Strikes Back 1. R-O -90 87.50 215 225 -230 107.5 117.5 125 272.5 290 302.5 652.5 428.05 X
03/06/2021 Battle on the Border 2. R-O -83 83.00 210 -215 150 155 160 260 280 285 655 90.67