Lifting Database

Lifter - Kristin Stansfield

Birth year: 1980
State: Missouri

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 110 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016
Bench press 77.5 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016
Deadlift 125 kg Midwest & Central Super Regionals 07/14/2018
Total 307.5 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/14/2018 Midwest & Central Super Regionals 8. R-O 84+ 112.60 100 -110 -110 70 75 -77.5 110 120 125 300 242.76
05/05/2018 2018 Missouri State Championships 6. R-O 84+ 110.10 95 100 105 65 70 72.5 100 107.5 115 292.5 237.77
12/10/2016 Beast of the Metro East 4. R-O 84+ 115.60 100 105 110 65 70 77.5 105 110 120 307.5 247.57
06/04/2016 2016 Missouri State Open 1. R-O 84+ 112.00 -90 90 95 60 65 70 100 110 -117.5 275 222.78
11/07/2015 2015 USAPL Battle of Belleville 1. R-O 84+ 114.00 85 95 -97.5 62.5 65 70 102.5 110 117.5 282.5 228.03