Lifting Database

Lifter - Kia Johnson

Birth year: 1977

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 117.5 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/04/2017
Bench press 60 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/04/2017
Deadlift 150 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/04/2017
Total 327.5 kg Fall Festival of Power 11/04/2017

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/04/2017 Fall Festival of Power 3. R-O -84 79.50 105 117.5 -125 50 60 -67.5 130 140 150 327.5 300.71
11/04/2017 Fall Festival of Power 2. R-M1A -84 79.50 105 117.5 -125 50 60 -67.5 130 140 150 327.5 300.71
11/05/2016 Fall Festival of Power 8. R-O -72 68.00 92.5 -100 -110 42.5 -52.5 -55 100 120 -137.5 255 258.90