Lifting Database

Lifter - Joseph Sullivan

Birth year: 1993
State: Ohio


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 224.5 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Bench press 133.8 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Deadlift 249.5 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013
Total 607.8 kg 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes 04/13/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/19/2013 2013 Raw Nationals 18. R-O -83 81.90 205 215 -222.5 125 132.5 -142.5 215 230 577.5 388.60
07/19/2013 2013 Raw Nationals 11. R-JR -83 81.90 205 215 -222.5 125 132.5 -142.5 215 230 577.5 388.60
04/13/2013 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes - R-O -90 90.00 224.5 133.8 249.5 607.8 388.02
04/13/2013 2013 Battle of the Great Lakes - R-T3 -90 90.00 224.5 133.8 249.5 607.8 388.02
03/31/2012 2012 Equinox Raw Open - R-M1B -90 89.20 182.5 127.5 217.5 527.5 338.29
03/31/2012 THE BATTLE OF THE GREAT LAKES XV - R-T3 -90 89.80 192.8 129.3 242.7 564.8 360.96
03/31/2012 2012 Equinox Raw Open - R-T3 -90 89.80 192.8 129.3 242.7 564.8 360.96

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 229.1 kg THE BATTLE OF THE GREAT LAKES XVII 04/12/2014
Bench press 147.4 kg THE BATTLE OF THE GREAT LAKES XVII 04/12/2014
Deadlift 258.6 kg THE BATTLE OF THE GREAT LAKES XVII 04/12/2014
Total 635.1 kg THE BATTLE OF THE GREAT LAKES XVII 04/12/2014

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/12/2014 THE BATTLE OF THE GREAT LAKES XVII 1. JR -90 89.80 229.1 147.4 258.6 635.1 405.89