Lifting Database

Lifter - Suzette Davenport

Birth year: 1974
State: Michigan

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 72.5 kg Michigan Rookie Rumble 10/12/2019
Bench press 42.5 kg Motor City BarBellum 04/06/2019
Deadlift 105 kg Michigan Rookie Rumble 10/12/2019
Total 220 kg Michigan Rookie Rumble 10/12/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/30/2022 Michigan Ladies of Iron 1. R-AA -75 73.70 52.5 62.5 -70 -35 40 -45 75 87.5 95 197.5 194.16
04/30/2022 United Ladies of iron 1. R-AA -75 73.70 52.5 62.5 -70 -35 40 -45 75 87.5 95 197.5 194.16
10/12/2019 Michigan Rookie Rumble 6. R-O -84 72.40 62.5 -70 72.5 -40 42.5 -45 85 95 105 220 355.99
10/12/2019 Michigan Rookie Rumble 1. R-M1B -84 72.40 62.5 -70 72.5 -40 42.5 -45 85 95 105 220 355.99
04/06/2019 Motor City BarBellum 7. R-O -84 72.80 -62.5 -62.5 65 37.5 40 42.5 85 95 100 207.5 334.89