Lifting Database

Lifter - Rhonda Winterhalter

Birth year: 1972

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 80 kg 2014 MO USAPL Rivers Edge 11/15/2014
Bench press 52.5 kg 2015 USAPL Battle of Belleville 11/07/2015
Deadlift 107.5 kg 2015 USAPL Battle of Belleville 11/07/2015
Total 235 kg 2015 USAPL Battle of Belleville 11/07/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/07/2015 2015 USAPL Battle of Belleville 2. R-O -63 62.50 75 -80 -82.5 47.5 50 52.5 95 100 107.5 235 253.92
06/20/2015 2015 USAPL MO State/Midwest Open 3. R-O -57 56.40 -75 80 -85 45 50 -55 85 90 95 225 263.27
06/20/2015 2015 USAPL MO State/Midwest Open 1. R-M1 -57 56.40 -75 80 -85 45 50 -55 85 90 95 225 263.27
04/25/2015 2015 Illinois States and Great Rivers Open 1. R-M -57 56.90 65 70 75 45 47.5 -50 80 85 90 212.5 246.93
04/25/2015 2015 Illinois States and Great Rivers Open 2. R-O -57 56.90 65 70 75 45 47.5 -50 80 85 90 212.5 246.93
11/15/2014 2014 MO USAPL Rivers Edge 3. R-M1A -60 58.60 80 50 95 225 255.49
07/17/2014 2014 Raw Nationals 12. R-O -57 55.60 -80 -80 -80 45 -50 -50 -85 85 90 0 0.00
07/17/2014 2014 Raw Nationals 3. R-M1A -57 55.60 -80 -80 -80 45 -50 -50 -85 85 90 0 0.00
09/11/2013 Rivers Edge PL/BP - R-M1A -60 57.30 75 45 82.5 202.5 234.01