Lifting Database

Lifter - Sean Despres

Birth year: 1998
State: Texas


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 295 kg UBU Dallas Expo 06/18/2022
Bench press 172.5 kg UBU Dallas Expo 06/18/2022
Deadlift 295 kg UBU Dallas Expo 06/18/2022
Total 762.5 kg UBU Dallas Expo 06/18/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/11/2023 Rising Tide 5. R-O -110 109.00 280 295 -302.5 160 172.5 -180 280 -292.5 -297.5 747.5 444.25
06/18/2022 UBU Dallas Expo 1. R-JR -110 105.60 -280 -295 295 150 162.5 172.5 260 282.5 295 762.5 458.81
01/15/2022 Winter Games of Texas 1. R-JR -100 98.00 230 245 260 135 142.5 -150 250 265 272.5 675 419.18
11/14/2020 Rumble in the Jungle 1. R-JR -93 92.80 -200 215 227.5 120 127.5 -135 215 225 242.5 597.5 78.25