Lifting Database

Lifter - Derek Page

Birth year: 1993
State: Missouri

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 265 kg Beast of the Metro East 02/05/2023
Bench press 175 kg Beast of the Metro East 02/05/2023
Deadlift 282.5 kg Beast of the Metro East 02/05/2023
Total 722.5 kg Beast of the Metro East 02/05/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/05/2023 Beast of the Metro East 2. R-O -125 116.25 240 252.5 265 157.5 167.5 175 250 267.5 282.5 722.5 419.44 X
09/10/2022 Legacy Series #2 1. R-O -125 111.35 230 245 262.5 145 157.5 167.5 250 265 277.5 707.5 417.13
01/29/2022 Beast of The Metro East 1. R-O -125 114.80 215 225 240 145 150 -162.5 250 262.5 -277.5 652.5 380.48