Lifting Database

Lifter - Norah Hogen

Birth year: 2013
State: Minnesota


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -30 Bench press 20.5 kg 02/13/2022
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -30 Bench press single lift 20.5 kg 02/13/2022
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -35 Bench press 22.5 kg 02/12/2023
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Youth 1 -35 Bench press single lift 22.5 kg 02/12/2023
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -30 Bench press 20.5 kg 02/13/2022
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -30 Bench press single lift 20.5 kg 02/13/2022
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Youth 3 -30 Bench press 20.5 kg 02/13/2022
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Youth 3 -30 Bench press single lift 20.5 kg 02/13/2022

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 37.5 kg Massachusetts Ladies of Iron 05/04/2024
Bench press 25 kg United Ladies of Iron 05/04/2024
Deadlift 55 kg Massachusetts Ladies of Iron 05/04/2024
Total 117.5 kg Massachusetts Ladies of Iron 05/04/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/04/2024 Massachusetts Ladies of Iron 1. R-Y2 -40 38.85 27.5 32.5 37.5 20 25 -27.5 45 55 -60 117.5 174.46
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron 2. R-Y2 -40 38.85 27.5 32.5 37.5 20 25 -27.5 45 55 -60 117.5 174.46
02/12/2023 Minnesota State High School Teen and Youth Championships 1. R-Y1 -35 34.85 25 -27.5 -35 17.5 20 22.5 42.5 47.5 50 97.5 144.77
04/30/2022 United Ladies of iron - R-Y1 -35 31.20 -27.5 -32.5 -35 20 -22.5 -22.5 32.5 37.5 47.5 0 0.00
04/30/2022 Minnesota Ladies of Iron - R-Y1 -35 31.20 -27.5 -32.5 -35 20 -22.5 -22.5 32.5 37.5 47.5 0 0.00
02/13/2022 Minnesota State High School, Teen and Youth Championships 1. R-Y1 -30 30.00 27.5 32.5 -37.5 20.5 -22.5 -22.5 32.5 -37.5 -42.5 85.5 126.95