Lifting Database

Lifter - Kyle Odum

Birth year: 1996
State: Illinois

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 145 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016
Bench press 117.5 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016
Deadlift 200 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016
Total 462.5 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/10/2016 Beast of the Metro East 6. R-O -83 82.10 135 145 -152.5 110 117.5 -120 177.5 195 200 462.5 310.75
09/03/2016 2016 Last Chance Qualifier 4. R-O -74 74.00 135 140 -92.5 92.5 100 165 172.5 -180 412.5 296.71
11/15/2014 2014 MO USAPL Rivers Edge 2. R-T3 -90 87.70 140 102.5 180 422.5 273.40