Lifting Database

Lifter - Sean ORourke


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 210 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016
Bench press 157.5 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016
Deadlift 225 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016
Total 592.5 kg Beast of the Metro East 12/10/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/10/2016 Beast of the Metro East 4. R-O -105 104.15 185 200 210 140 152.5 157.5 195 210 225 592.5 355.09
12/10/2016 Beast of the Metro East 1. R-O -105 104.15 185 200 210 140 152.5 157.5 195 210 225 592.5 355.09