Lifting Database

Lifter - Ari Kutin

Birth year: 2003
State: New Jersey


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 217.5 kg New Jersey State Championship 11/13/2020
Bench press 117.5 kg High School and Teen National Championship 05/27/2021
Deadlift 257.5 kg High School and Teen National Championship 05/27/2021
Total 587.5 kg High School and Teen National Championship 05/27/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/27/2021 High School and Teen National Championship 15. R-V -93 90.34 212.5 -222.5 -222.5 112.5 117.5 -120 245 257.5 -265 587.5 77.96
11/13/2020 New Jersey State Championship 1. R-T2 -93 91.20 200 210 217.5 102.5 107.5 110 237.5 247.5 575 75.95
02/09/2020 Garden State Winter War 2. R-T2 -93 87.40 185 192.5 200 100 105 -110 227.5 237.5 -247.5 542.5 512.59
03/22/2018 2018 High School National Championships 3. R-JV -74 72.90 115 127.5 135 77.5 85 -92.5 160 172.5 182.5 402.5 292.66
11/12/2017 2017 New Jersey Iron Gobbler 1. R-T1 -74 68.70 90 105 117.5 62.5 70 75 130 142.5 155 347.5 264.20