Lifting Database

Lifter - Madeline Corman

Birth year: 1994
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 155 kg 2019 Raw Nationals 10/16/2019
Bench press 92.5 kg Squats & Science Fall Brawl 10/29/2022
Deadlift 182.5 kg Squats and Science Championship 03/14/2020
Total 422.5 kg Squats and Science Championship 05/01/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/18/2023 New York State Championships 1. R-G -75 71.10 142.5 147.5 152.5 85 -87.5 -87.5 167.5 175 180 417.5 418.55
10/29/2022 Squats & Science Fall Brawl 1. R-O -75 73.70 142.5 150 -157.5 85 90 92.5 167.5 175 -185 417.5 410.44
05/01/2021 Squats and Science Championship 2. R-O -76 74.50 140 150 155 77.5 82.5 85 165 177.5 182.5 422.5 84.10 X
03/14/2020 Squats and Science Championship 1. R-O -72 71.90 140 150 -155 80 85 -87.5 165 175 182.5 417.5 681.84
10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals 40. R-O -72 69.96 137.5 150 155 80 85 -90 147.5 160 -172.5 400 661.18
03/23/2019 Squats & Science Championship 1. R-O -72 70.65 132.5 142.5 150 72.5 77.5 80 147.5 160 170 400 658.23 X
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals 9. R-JR -63 62.90 112.5 120 127.5 67.5 72.5 75 137.5 147.5 -155 350 376.36
06/02/2018 NY State Champonships 4. R-O -63 62.20 105 112.5 -120 60 65 67.5 122.5 135 -145 315 341.59
04/07/2018 Pennsylvania States 3. R-O -63 61.80 100 107.5 115 62.5 -67.5 -67.5 117.5 130 140 317.5 346.01
04/07/2018 Pennsylvania States 3. R-O -63 61.80 100 107.5 115 62.5 -67.5 -67.5 117.5 130 140 317.5 346.01