Lifting Database

Lifter - Elizabeth Lam

Birth year: 1999
State: Illinois


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 135 kg Illinois State Championships and Primetime 03/02/2024
Bench press 70 kg Illinois State Championships and Primetime 03/02/2024
Deadlift 152.5 kg Illinois State Championships and Primetime 03/02/2024
Total 357.5 kg Illinois State Championships and Primetime 03/02/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/01/2024 Central And Midwest Regionals 2. R-O -60 58.85 -125 125 130 62.5 -67.5 -67.5 142.5 -150 150 342.5 384.37
03/02/2024 Illinois State Championships and Primetime 3. R-O -60 59.80 127.5 135 -142.5 60 65 70 135 145 152.5 357.5 397.14
06/17/2023 Illinois State Championship 2. R-O -60 59.90 130 -140 -140 57.5 62.5 -67.5 130 140 142.5 335 371.75
12/19/2021 Illinois Collegiates 2. R-C -57 56.95 -110 115 -122.5 50 52.5 57.5 110 120 125 297.5 69.83
12/19/2021 Illinois Collegiates 1. R-JR -57 56.95 -110 115 -122.5 50 52.5 57.5 110 120 125 297.5 69.83
07/17/2021 Wolf Open - R-O -52 51.90 105 112.5 50 -55 -55 102.5 110 -112.5 272.5 68.92
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals 16. R-C -57 56.20 102.5 110 117.5 45 52.5 -55 95 105 107.5 277.5 65.79
03/21/2021 Pittsburgh Spring Classic 2. R-JR -57 56.05 -92.5 102.5 110 42.5 -47.5 47.5 85 95 105 262.5 62.36