Lifting Database

Lifter - Peter Melendez

Birth year: 1977
State: North Carolina


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -82.5 Bench press 167.5 kg 06/09/2024
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -82.5 Bench press single lift 167.5 kg 06/08/2022
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -82.5 Bench press 167.5 kg 06/09/2024
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -82.5 Bench press single lift 167.5 kg 06/08/2022

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 167.5 kg Bench Nationals 06/08/2022
Squat 197.5 kg Arnold - Masters of Iron 03/01/2024
Deadlift 252.5 kg Southeast Regionals 06/17/2023
Total 600 kg North Carolina State Championships 03/23/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/08/2024 Southeast Regional Championship 1. R-M1B -82.5 79.70 175 -190 -190 155 162.5 167.5 220 240 -245 582.5 402.55
06/08/2024 Southeast Regional Championship 2. R-M1 -82.5 79.70 175 -190 -190 155 162.5 167.5 220 240 -245 582.5 402.55
05/18/2024 Virginia Vengeance 1. R-O -82.5 80.85 157.5 162.5 -170 162.5 111.36
05/18/2024 Virginia Vengeance 1. R-M1B -82.5 80.85 157.5 162.5 -170 162.5 111.36
05/12/2024 Masters World Cup 1. R-M1 -82.5 80.75 -182.5 -182.5 182.5 157.5 162.5 -167.5 220 245 -255 590 404.61
03/23/2024 North Carolina State Championships 3. R-O -82.5 81.65 175 192.5 197.5 150 155 160 220 242.5 -255 600 408.84
03/23/2024 North Carolina State Championships 1. R-M1 -82.5 81.65 175 192.5 197.5 150 155 160 220 242.5 -255 600 408.84
03/01/2024 Arnold - Masters of Iron 9. R-M -82.5 79.83 182.5 197.5 -205 150 -160 -160 220 245 -260 592.5 422.57
06/17/2023 Southeast Regionals 3. R-M1 -82.5 77.50 170 175 182.5 155 -165 -165 220 240 252.5 590 414.68
03/18/2023 North Carolina State Championships 1. R-M1 -82.5 79.94 170 -182.5 -182.5 155 160 -165 215 235 250 580 400.11
03/03/2023 Arnold - Masters Pro Bench Finals 2. R-M1 -82.5 80.11 155 160 165 165 113.68
10/15/2022 Virginia Absolute Chaos 1. R-O -82.5 81.20 150 160 -167.5 160 109.37
10/15/2022 Virginia Absolute Chaos 1. R-M1 -82.5 81.20 150 -170 175 150 160 -167.5 205 225 -245 560 382.80
06/08/2022 Bench Nationals 1. R-M1 -82.5 82.41 155 167.5 -170 167.5 113.53
06/08/2022 Bench Nationals 4. R-O -82.5 82.41 155 167.5 -170 167.5 113.53
03/19/2022 Battle on the Border 1. R-M1 -82.5 81.05 145 155 165 165 112.91 X