Lifting Database

Lifter - David Abbott

Birth year: 1958
State: North Carolina


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -110 Squat 210 kg 06/04/2011
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -110 Total 600 kg 06/04/2011
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2b -125 Bench press 177.5 kg 06/15/2014
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2b -125 Bench press single lift 185 kg 11/01/2014
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 2b -125 Bench press 177.5 kg 06/15/2014
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 2b -125 Bench press single lift 185 kg 11/01/2014

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 195 kg USA Powerlifting North Carolina State Championships 06/14/2014
Bench press 185 kg 2014 FALL FESTIVAL OF POWER 11/01/2014
Deadlift 215 kg USAPL N.C. State Champs - 6/8/13 01/01/2013
Total 585 kg USAPL N.C. State Champs - 6/8/13 01/01/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/01/2014 2014 FALL FESTIVAL OF POWER 1. R-M2B -125 110.40 185 185 108.74
06/14/2014 USA Powerlifting North Carolina State Championships 1. R-M2B -125 113.70 195 177.5 200 572.5 333.65
06/14/2014 USA Powerlifting North Carolina State Championships 1. R-M2B -125 113.70 177.5 177.5 103.45
01/01/2013 USAPL N.C. State Champs - 6/8/13 - R-O -110 110.00 192.5 177.5 215 585 344.27
01/01/2013 USAPL N.C. State Champs - 6/8/13 - R-M2A -110 110.00 177.5 177.5 104.46
01/01/2013 USAPL N.C. State Champs - 6/8/13 - R-O -110 110.00 177.5 177.5 104.46
01/01/2013 USAPL N.C. State Champs - 6/8/13 - R-M2A -110 110.00 192.5 177.5 215 585 344.27

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 215 kg 2012 USAPLNC STATES 01/01/2012
Bench press 170.1 kg 2012 USAPLNC STATES 01/01/2012
Deadlift 212.3 kg 2012 USAPLNC STATES 01/01/2012
Total 597.4 kg 2012 USAPLNC STATES 01/01/2012

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/01/2012 2012 USAPLNC STATES - M2a -110 109.77 215 170.1 212.3 597.4 351.80
01/01/2012 2012 USAPLNC STATES - M2a -110 109.77 155.1 155.1 91.36