Lifting Database

Lifter - Chris Dishno

Birth year: 1972
State: Colorado


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -75 Squat 190 kg 06/14/2021
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -75 Deadlift 242.5 kg 06/14/2021
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -75 Deadlift single lift 242.5 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -75 Total 560 kg 06/14/2021
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -75 Total push-pull 372.5 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -82.5 Total push-pull 400 kg 03/24/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Squat 190 kg 06/14/2021
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Bench press 130 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Bench press single lift 130 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Deadlift 242.5 kg 06/14/2021
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Deadlift single lift 242.5 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Total 560 kg 06/14/2021
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Total push-pull 372.5 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -82.5 Total push-pull 400 kg 03/24/2023
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Squat 175 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Bench press 130 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Bench press single lift 130 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Deadlift 242.5 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Deadlift single lift 242.5 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Total 547.5 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Total push-pull 372.5 kg 03/04/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -82.5 Total push-pull 400 kg 03/24/2023

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 137.5 kg Revenge of the Kilo Monster 04/17/2021
Deadlift 265 kg Elevate Barbell Championship Day 1 03/24/2023
Squat 210 kg Raw Nationals 09/14/2023
Total 607.5 kg Elevate Barbell Championship Day 1 03/24/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
09/14/2023 Raw Nationals 1. R-M2 -82.5 81.65 190 -200 210 125 130 135 240 -255 -255 585 398.62 X
03/24/2023 Elevate Barbell Championship Day 1 6. R-M2 -82.5 81.60 187.5 197.5 207.5 125 130 135 235 252.5 265 607.5 414.10
03/04/2022 Arnold - Masters of Iron Pro 5. R-M2 -75 73.80 125 150 175 125 127.5 130 222.5 -242.5 242.5 547.5 396.90
06/14/2021 Raw Master's Nationals 2. R-M1 -74 73.52 -182.5 190 -200 127.5 -130 -130 232.5 242.5 -252.5 560 406.97
04/17/2021 Revenge of the Kilo Monster 1. R-M1B -83 77.69 180 192.5 200 127.5 135 137.5 232.5 247.5 -265 585 83.75
04/17/2021 Revenge of the Kilo Monster 1. R-O -83 77.69 180 192.5 200 127.5 135 137.5 232.5 247.5 -265 585 83.75
08/29/2020 Elevate Barbell Championship 1. R-M1 -74 73.30 172.5 182.5 -187.5 117.5 122.5 127.5 215 230 240 550 81.14
10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals 7. R-M1 -74 73.54 175 -187.5 -187.5 115 120 -122.5 227.5 -237.5 237.5 532.5 567.47
05/05/2019 Gorilla Warfare III: Final Conflict 1. R-M1B -74 73.74 165 -182.5 182.5 115 120 -122.5 215 230 235 537.5 572.44
05/05/2019 Gorilla Warfare III: Final Conflict 2. R-O -74 73.74 165 -182.5 182.5 115 120 -122.5 215 230 235 537.5 572.44
04/28/2018 Gorilla Warfare II: Pandora's Box 1. R-M1B -74 73.70 150 155 165 110 117.5 -125 192.5 207.5 212.5 495 357.09 X
02/11/2018 2018 CO State Championships 1. R-M1B -74 73.22 142.5 152.5 -165 105 -112.5 -115 185 192.5 205 462.5 335.22
09/16/2017 2nd Annual Colorado Fall Open 1. R-M1B -74 72.57 107.5 110 -122.5 175 190 202.5 312.5 227.97