Lifting Database

Lifter - Troy Saunders

Birth year: 1968
State: California


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Men's Raw American Records Raw Military Open -100 Deadlift 295 kg 03/04/2009
California State Equipped Records Open -100 Deadlift push-pull 282.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Open -100 Total 640 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Open -100 Total push-pull 425 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 1a -100 Bench Press push-pull 142.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 1a -100 Deadlift push-pull 282.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 1a -100 Total push-pull 425 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 1b -100 Bench Press push-pull 142.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 1b -100 Deadlift push-pull 282.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 1b -100 Total push-pull 425 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 2a -100 Bench Press push-pull 142.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 2a -100 Deadlift push-pull 282.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 2a -100 Total push-pull 425 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 2b -100 Bench Press push-pull 142.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 2b -100 Deadlift push-pull 282.5 kg 03/16/2024
California State Equipped Records Master 2b -100 Total push-pull 425 kg 03/16/2024

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 245 kg Military Nationals 03/09/2013
Bench press 167.5 kg Arnold Raw Challenge 03/02/2012
Deadlift 295 kg RAW NATIONALS 08/03/2012
Total 697.5 kg Arnold Raw Challenge 03/02/2012

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 1. R-M1B -105 94.50 160 160 99.76
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 2. R-M1B -105 94.50 245 160 287.5 692.5 431.77
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 2. R-M1B -105 94.50 287.5 287.5 179.26
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 2. R-M1B -105 94.50 160 160 99.76
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 1. R-M1B -105 94.50 287.5 287.5 179.26
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 1. R-M1B -105 94.50 245 160 287.5 692.5 431.77
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - R-M1A -100 91.30 157.5 290 447.5 283.63
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - R-M1A -100 91.30 245 157.5 290 692.5 438.91
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - R-M1A -100 91.30 290 290 183.80
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - R-M1A -100 91.30 157.5 157.5 99.82
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - R-M1A -100 91.30 245 157.5 290 692.5 438.91
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - R-M1A -100 91.30 157.5 157.5 99.82
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - R-M1A -100 91.30 290 290 183.80
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - R-M1A -100 91.30 157.5 290 447.5 283.63
03/01/2013 Arnold Raw Challenge - R-M1B -100 91.90 242.5 160 282.5 685 432.78
03/01/2013 Arnold Raw Challenge - R-O -100 91.90 242.5 160 282.5 685 432.78
08/03/2012 RAW NATIONALS - R-M1A -93 89.70 227.5 160 282.5 670 428.47
08/03/2012 RAW NATIONALS - R-M1A -93 89.70 227.5 160 282.5 670 428.47
08/03/2012 RAW NATIONALS - R-M1A -93 89.10 160 160 102.67
08/03/2012 RAW NATIONALS - R-M1A -93 89.70 227.5 160 282.5 670 428.47
08/03/2012 RAW NATIONALS - R-M1A -93 89.10 242.5 160 295 697.5 447.59
03/02/2012 Arnold Raw Challenge - R-M1A -100 91.40 240 167.5 290 697.5 441.87
03/02/2012 Arnold Raw Challenge - R-M1A -100 91.40 240 167.5 290 697.5 441.87

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 245 kg 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 03/14/2014
Bench press 160 kg 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 03/14/2014
Deadlift 287.5 kg 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 03/14/2014
Total 692.5 kg Military Nationals 03/09/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 1. M2 -100 96.20 125 142.5 -150 250 275 282.5 425 266.15
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 1. M2 -100 96.20 125 142.5 -150 142.5 89.24
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship - M -100 96.20 125 142.5 -150 250 275 282.5 425 266.15
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 1. M2 -100 96.20 250 275 282.5 282.5 176.91
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship 1. M2 -100 96.20 192.5 -215 215 125 142.5 -150 250 275 282.5 640 400.79
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship - M -100 96.20 125 142.5 -150 142.5 89.24
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship - M -100 96.20 250 275 282.5 282.5 176.91
03/16/2024 Military, Fire and Police National Championship - M -100 96.20 192.5 -215 215 125 142.5 -150 250 275 282.5 640 400.79
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 1. M1b -105 94.50 245 160 287.5 692.5 431.77
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 2. M1b -105 94.50 287.5 287.5 179.26
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 2. M1b -105 94.50 160 160 99.76
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 1. M1b -105 94.50 160 160 99.76
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 2. M1b -105 94.50 245 160 287.5 692.5 431.77
03/14/2014 2014 USAPL Military National Powerlifting Championships 1. M1b -105 94.50 287.5 287.5 179.26
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - M1a -100 91.30 157.5 157.5 99.82
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - M1a -100 91.30 157.5 290 447.5 283.63
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - M1a -100 91.30 157.5 290 447.5 283.63
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - M1a -100 91.30 245 157.5 290 692.5 438.91
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - M1a -100 91.30 290 290 183.80
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - M1a -100 91.30 290 290 183.80
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - M1a -100 91.30 245 157.5 290 692.5 438.91
03/09/2013 Military Nationals - M1a -100 91.30 157.5 157.5 99.82