Lifting Database

Lifter - Matt Tate

Birth year: 1974
State: California

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 265 kg Boss of NorCal 11 11/23/2019
Bench press 165 kg Boss of Norcal 8 11/17/2018
Deadlift 275 kg Boss of NorCal 11 11/23/2019
Total 677.5 kg Boss of Norcal 8 11/17/2018

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/23/2019 Boss of NorCal 11 - R-O 120+ 126.20 250 -265 265 -160 -175 -175 260 275 -292.5 0 0.00
11/23/2019 Boss of NorCal 11 - R-M1B 120+ 126.20 250 -265 265 -160 -175 -175 260 275 -292.5 0 0.00
11/17/2018 Boss of Norcal 8 1. R-M1A -120 119.70 215 227.5 240 150 -165 165 237.5 260 272.5 677.5 389.77