Lifting Database

Lifter - Cody Stinson

Birth year: 2000
State: Louisiana


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 272.1 kg Louisiana State Games 05/21/2022
Bench press 183.7 kg Louisiana State Games 05/21/2022
Deadlift 278.9 kg Louisiana State Games 05/21/2022
Total 734.7 kg Louisiana State Games 05/21/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/21/2022 Louisiana State Games 1. R-O -125 121.25 265.3 272.1 -285.7 165.5 183.7 -190.5 265.3 278.9 -281.2 734.7 420.50 X

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 272.5 kg Pelican State Open and Louisiana Collegiate Championships 11/23/2019
Bench press 185 kg Pelican State Open and Louisiana Collegiate Championships 11/23/2019
Deadlift 250 kg 2019 High School Nationals 03/28/2019
Total 695 kg Pelican State Open and Louisiana Collegiate Championships 11/23/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/23/2019 Pelican State Open and Louisiana Collegiate Championships 1. O -120 107.00 252.5 260 272.5 172.5 180 185 215 237.5 -247.5 695 504.31
11/23/2019 Pelican State Open and Louisiana Collegiate Championships 1. T3 -120 107.00 252.5 260 272.5 172.5 180 185 215 237.5 -247.5 695 504.31
03/28/2019 2019 High School Nationals 3. V -120 106.05 235 257.5 -262.5 150 160 170 230 250 -260 677.5 495.19
02/01/2019 West Monroe High School Nationals Qualifier 1. O -105 103.96 224.5 247.2 -272.2 138.4 145.2 149.7 213.2 231.3 244.9 641.8 476.74