Lifting Database

Lifter - Travis Pardue

Birth year: 1971
State: North Carolina


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
North Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -90 Deadlift 257.5 kg 03/19/2016
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1a -75 Deadlift 257.5 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1a -75 Deadlift single lift 257.5 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1a -75 Total 590 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Squat 250 kg 04/29/2011
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Bench press 177.5 kg 04/29/2011
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Deadlift 272.5 kg 04/29/2011
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Deadlift single lift 250 kg 12/09/2017
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Total 700 kg 04/29/2011
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1b -75 Squat 205 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1b -75 Bench press 130 kg 08/31/2019
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1b -75 Deadlift 257.5 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1b -75 Deadlift single lift 257.5 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1b -75 Total 590 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 1b -82.5 Deadlift single lift 250 kg 12/09/2017
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 2a -75 Squat 205 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 2a -75 Bench press 127.5 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 2a -75 Deadlift 257.5 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 2a -75 Deadlift single lift 257.5 kg 06/14/2021
North Carolina State Equipped Records Master 2a -75 Total 590 kg 06/14/2021

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 202.5 kg USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 03/19/2016
Bench press 130 kg Arnold Raw Challenge 03/02/2012
Deadlift 257.5 kg USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 03/19/2016
Total 580 kg USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 03/19/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/21/2018 5 Bar Showdown 13. R-O -83 82.00 182.5 192.5 200 115 120 125 227.5 245 570 383.27
07/21/2018 5 Bar Showdown 2. R-M -83 82.00 182.5 192.5 200 115 120 125 227.5 245 570 383.27
08/13/2016 2016 Palmetto Classic 1. R-M1 -83 82.20 185 195 -207.5 -115 122.5 -127.5 227.5 250 -265 567.5 381.02
08/13/2016 2016 Palmetto Classic 4. R-O -83 82.20 185 195 -207.5 -115 122.5 -127.5 227.5 250 -265 567.5 381.02
03/19/2016 USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 1. R-M1A -83 83.00 182.5 192.5 202.5 110 120 -125 227.5 242.5 257.5 580 387.15
03/19/2016 USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 4. R-O -83 83.00 182.5 192.5 202.5 110 120 -125 227.5 242.5 257.5 580 387.15
12/12/2015 USA Powerlifting South Carolina State Championship 1. R-M1A -83 83.00 172.5 197.5 200 92.5 107.5 -115 215 227.5 242.5 550 367.13
03/02/2012 Arnold Raw Challenge - R-M1A -75 73.80 185 130 227.5 542.5 390.98
03/02/2012 Arnold Raw Challenge - R-M1A -75 73.80 185 130 227.5 542.5 390.98

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Bench press 182.5 kg USAPL N.C. State Champs - 6/8/13 01/01/2013
Squat 237.5 kg USAPL Fall Festival of Power 11/07/2015
Deadlift 272.5 kg USAPL Fall Festival of Power 11/07/2015
Total 675 kg USAPL Fall Festival of Power 11/07/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/14/2021 Equipped Master's Nationals 1. M2 -74 73.38 190 200 205 -127.5 127.5 -135 225 250 257.5 590 73.52
08/31/2019 Winston Salem Classic - O -74 73.40 175 192.5 200 130 -140 -140 215 250 580 530.36
08/31/2019 Winston Salem Classic 1. M1 -74 73.40 175 192.5 200 130 -140 -140 215 250 580 530.36
12/09/2017 South Carolina State Championship 1. O -83 81.90 192.5 210 227.5 -160 160 -170 227.5 250 -272.5 637.5 428.97
11/07/2015 USAPL Fall Festival of Power 2. M1a -83 82.50 215 237.5 137.5 160 165 242.5 262.5 272.5 675 452.18
11/07/2015 USAPL Fall Festival of Power 1. M1a -83 82.50 215 237.5 137.5 160 165 242.5 262.5 272.5 675 452.18
08/29/2015 USAPL Bench Press Nationals 7. O -83 81.90 170 -182.5 -182.5 170 114.39
08/29/2015 USAPL Bench Press Nationals 1. M1a -83 81.90 170 -182.5 -182.5 170 114.39
03/21/2015 Battle on the Border IX 1. M1a -83 82.60 162.5 162.5 108.78
01/01/2013 USAPL N.C. State Champs - 6/8/13 - M1a -82.5 81.10 182.5 182.5 123.53
01/01/2013 2013 USAPL Bench Press Nationals - M1a -82.5 81.10 0 0.00
01/01/2013 2013 USAPL Bench Press Nationals - O -82.5 81.10 0 0.00