Lifting Database

Lifter - Kevin Carter

Birth year: 1962
State: Virginia


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -100 Squat 225 kg 12/09/2023
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -100 Bench press 142.5 kg 12/09/2023
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -100 Deadlift 257.5 kg 12/09/2023
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -100 Total 625 kg 12/09/2023
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -100 Total push-pull 400 kg 12/09/2023

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 227.5 kg Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown 05/06/2018
Bench press 155 kg SBWC Spring Classic 04/30/2016
Deadlift 267.5 kg San Diego Validus Open 04/27/2019
Total 630 kg 2017 New Jersey State Championships 06/03/2017

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/09/2024 Battle at the Beach 1. R-M3A -100 97.70 -205 -215 215 -127.5 127.5 -137.5 227.5 -245 -245 570 354.46
12/09/2023 Philadelphia Winter War 1. R-M3 -100 97.45 -225 -225 225 135 142.5 -147.5 245 257.5 -267.5 625 389.11
04/27/2019 San Diego Validus Open 1. R-M2 -105 99.40 145 150 -160 235 260 267.5 417.5 342.80
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown 4. R-O -105 98.20 215 227.5 -232.5 147.5 150 250 -262.5 627.5 384.72
05/06/2018 Connecticut State Championship and May Showdown 1. R-M -105 98.20 215 227.5 -232.5 147.5 150 250 -262.5 627.5 384.72
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships 9. R-M2 -105 101.29 210 -225 -225 145 -152.5 -152.5 245 260 265 620 375.41
06/03/2017 2017 New Jersey State Championships 1. R-G -105 99.40 200 -222.5 222.5 145 -150 150 227.5 247.5 257.5 630 384.36
10/13/2016 Raw Nationals 2016 5. R-M2 -105 100.15 200 217.5 -230 145 150 -155 227.5 -260 -260 595 361.88
04/30/2016 SBWC Spring Classic 4. R-O -105 101.90 200 220 147.5 155 240 245 620 374.54
04/30/2016 SBWC Spring Classic 1. R-M2A -105 101.90 200 220 147.5 155 240 245 620 374.54
07/11/2015 Liberty Games 1. R-M -105 98.20 202.5 207.5 215 147.5 -150 150 237.5 242.5 607.5 372.46
05/02/2015 Orange County Powerlifting Championships 3. R-O -105 100.20 182.5 192.5 200 145 147.5 150 -235 237.5 -245 587.5 357.26
01/25/2015 Northeast Iron Beast Winter Classic II 1. R-M2A -105 98.40 190 142.5 230 562.5 344.59
09/13/2014 New York State Championships 2014 1. R-M2A -100 98.60 192.5 147.5 62.5 402.5 246.37