Lifting Database

Lifter - John Demchak

Birth year: 1967
State: South Carolina


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -75 Squat 182.5 kg 03/19/2022
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Squat 182.5 kg 03/19/2022
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Squat 182.5 kg 03/19/2022
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Deadlift 210 kg 11/06/2021
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Deadlift single lift 205 kg 03/19/2022
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2a -75 Total 472.5 kg 03/19/2022
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2b -75 Squat 182.5 kg 03/19/2022
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2b -75 Deadlift 205 kg 03/19/2022
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2b -75 Deadlift single lift 205 kg 03/19/2022
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 2b -75 Total 472.5 kg 03/19/2022

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 202.5 kg USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 03/19/2016
Bench press 105 kg Raw Nationals 2016 10/13/2016
Deadlift 250 kg Raw Nationals 2016 10/13/2016
Total 555 kg Raw Nationals 2016 10/13/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/19/2022 Battle on the Border 1. R-M2B -75 74.90 170 182.5 80 85 -90 205 -227.5 -227.5 472.5 339.27
03/19/2022 Battle on the Border 1. R-M2 -75 74.90 170 182.5 80 85 -90 205 -227.5 -227.5 472.5 339.27
11/06/2021 Fall Festival of Power 3. R-O -74 73.65 155 165 175 80 -85 85 195 210 -222.5 470 69.17
11/06/2021 Fall Festival of Power 1. R-M2A -74 73.65 155 165 175 80 -85 85 195 210 -222.5 470 69.17
03/24/2018 Battle on the Border 11. R-O -83 82.80 165 175 -182.5 75 82.5 -90 205 227.5 -235 485 324.22
03/24/2018 Battle on the Border 2. R-M2A -83 82.80 165 175 -182.5 75 82.5 -90 205 227.5 -235 485 324.22
10/13/2016 Raw Nationals 2016 11. R-M1 -93 92.89 175 190 200 100 105 -107.5 235 250 555 348.82
03/19/2016 USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 1. R-M1B -93 92.70 182.5 192.5 202.5 92.5 100 -105 215 230 240 542.5 341.34
03/19/2016 USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 9. R-O -93 92.70 182.5 192.5 202.5 92.5 100 -105 215 230 240 542.5 341.34

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 212.5 kg 2013 Battle on the Border VI 03/23/2013
Bench press 102.5 kg 2013 Battle on the Border VI 03/23/2013
Deadlift 257.5 kg 2013 Battle on the Border VI 03/23/2013
Total 572.5 kg 2013 Battle on the Border VI 03/23/2013

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/23/2013 2013 Battle on the Border VI - O -100 96.60 212.5 102.5 257.5 572.5 353.46