Lifting Database

Lifter - Kevin Locklear

Birth year: 1971
State: South Carolina


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
South Carolina State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -75 Bench press single lift 137.5 kg 04/17/2017

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 162.5 kg USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 03/19/2016
Bench press 155 kg Bench Press Nationals 09/10/2016
Deadlift 187.5 kg USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 03/19/2016
Total 492.5 kg USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 03/19/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/17/2017 2nd IPF World Classic Bench Press - Killeen - USA 1. R-M1 -74 72.28 130 137.5 -145 137.5 100.60
09/10/2016 Bench Press Nationals 1. R-M1 -74 71.50 125 132.5 142.5 142.5 105.09
03/19/2016 USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 1. R-M1A -74 72.40 152.5 160 162.5 132.5 140 142.5 170 182.5 187.5 492.5 359.87
03/19/2016 USA Powerlifting Battle on the Border X 1. R-M1A -74 72.40 132.5 140 142.5 142.5 104.12
10/15/2015 2015 Raw Nationals 3. R-M1A -74 71.30 145 152.5 157.5 127.5 137.5 140 160 172.5 180 477.5 352.87
03/21/2015 Battle on the Border IX 3. R-M1A -74 70.30 155 140 172.5 467.5 349.18
06/14/2014 USA Powerlifting North Carolina State Championships 2. R-M1A -75 69.40 152.5 137.5 167.5 457.5 345.14

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 160 kg USAPL GA Winter Classic & Single Ply Invitational 01/25/2014
Bench press 152.5 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012
Deadlift 160 kg USAPL GA Winter Classic & Single Ply Invitational 01/25/2014
Total 472.5 kg USAPL GA Winter Classic & Single Ply Invitational 01/25/2014

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
09/10/2016 Bench Press Nationals 3. M1 -74 71.50 150 155 -162.5 155 114.31
01/25/2014 USAPL GA Winter Classic & Single Ply Invitational 1. M1a -67.5 66.20 160 152.5 160 472.5 370.06
01/01/2012 2012 Battle on the Border VI - M1a -67.5 67.10 152.5 152.5 118.14
01/01/2012 NC SC Border War - M1a -67.5 67.10 152.4 152.4 118.06
01/01/2012 NC SC Border War - M1a -67.5 67.10 92.5 152.4 137.4 382.3 296.17
01/01/2012 2012 Battle on the Border VI - M1a -67.5 67.10 92.5 152.5 137.5 382.5 296.32