Lifting Database


Ohio Summer Showdown

Date: 08/31/2024
Sanction #: OH-2024-08
State: Ohio
Meet Director: Lee Maccarone

Results (35 results, 32 lifters)

Placing Name YOB Team State Lot Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested    
Bench press
Female - Raw Open
-82.5 1. Alexis Barnes 1997 OH 119 79.15 82.5 90 -95 90 85.26
Female - Raw Youth 2
-56 1. Aubree Stuczynski 2013 NY 113 55.45 25 30 -35 30 35.00
Male - Raw Master 2
140+ 1. Arnold Barnette 1972 OH 317 153.90 230 240 -247.5 240 128.18
Female - Raw Junior
-60 1. Kaiya Caraboolad 2003 OH 112 60.00 82.5 90 97.5 40 45 52.5 87.5 95 102.5 252.5 279.91
-67.5 1. Annika Minotti 2003 CT 110 65.70 125 135 -140 65 70 -75 160 172.5 -180 377.5 395.92 X
-67.5 2. Sage Waehler 2004 OH 120 66.10 105 112.5 -120 47.5 52.5 -55 112.5 120 125 290 303.07
Female - Raw Open
-67.5 1. Unique Brownlee 1993 OH 116 67.25 132.5 140 -145 60 65 67.5 132.5 140 150 357.5 369.87
-82.5 1. Natalie White 1995 KY 122 80.04 85 92.5 97.5 57.5 60 65 130 140 142.5 305 287.31
Female - Raw Teen 1
-67.5 1. Abigail Flemion 2008 VA 123 66.20 130 137.5 142.5 72.5 82.5 85 150 160 167.5 395 412.44 X
Female - Raw Teen 2
-60 - Kayla Ferrell 2007 OH 117 58.35 90 -92.5 -92.5 -60 -60 -60 -120 120 -122.5 0 0.00
Female - Raw Teen 3
-90 1. Rasmia Alnadi 2005 OH 121 86.50 -115 -125 125 65 72.5 80 147.5 160 170 375 340.36
Male - Raw Junior
-75 1. Lucas Vandivier 2001 OH 223 74.10 217.5 232.5 -242.5 102.5 110 -115 210 -225 227.5 570 412.12
-82.5 1. Jack O'Donnell 2002 OH 222 82.10 187.5 200 205 115 122.5 127.5 202.5 222.5 230 562.5 382.09
-82.5 2. Ankit Gupta 2002 PA 212 81.65 -45 55 -65 -45 45 60 100 115 130 245 166.94
Male - Raw Open
-75 1. Lucas Vandivier 2001 OH 223 74.10 217.5 232.5 -242.5 102.5 110 -115 210 -225 227.5 570 412.12
-90 1. Eric Lehman 1989 OH 313 86.30 235 245 -252.5 145 -155 -155 230 237.5 -252.5 627.5 414.67
-110 1. Jeremy Yerskey 2000 PA 316 106.60 245 257.5 265 197.5 205 210 242.5 255 260 735 440.61
-110 1. Jeremy Yerskey 2000 PA 316 106.60 245 257.5 265 197.5 205 210 242.5 255 260 735 440.61
-125 1. Tyler Britton 1999 OH 310 121.90 245 255 265 160 175 -185 315 330 -335 770 439.93 X
-125 2. Aaron Hochmann 1987 OH 311 123.85 265 -270 272.5 150 155 160 275 -282.5 707.5 402.16
-82.5 1. Jack O'Donnell 2002 OH 222 82.10 187.5 200 205 115 122.5 127.5 202.5 222.5 230 562.5 382.09
-82.5 2. Andrew Raczka 1988 Basement Barbell OH 219 81.35 142.5 155 160 -120 125 -132.5 192.5 207.5 215 500 341.43
Male - Raw Teen 2
-60 1. Nate Hoffman 2008 OH 221 59.80 135 -147.5 147.5 75 77.5 152.5 165 -180 390 330.08
-75 1. Preston Lee 2007 OH 210 73.45 170 -180 -190 105 115 117.5 -177.5 187.5 200 487.5 354.50
-75 - Andy Yu 2006 OH 214 69.10 -125 -132.5 -132.5 70 77.5 -85 142.5 152.5 167.5 0 0.00
Male - Raw Teen 3
-90 1. Tanner Kline 2004 OH 312 89.35 190 205 -220 125 -137.5 -137.5 235 250 -275 580 376.41
-82.5 1. Kyle Schoenbeck 2005 OH 216 82.00 190 202.5 212.5 112.5 120 -122.5 235 265 282.5 615 418.04 X
Male - Raw with Wraps Teen 1
-75 1. Marcus Lust 2010 OH 217 69.60 97.5 -102.5 102.5 52.5 57.5 62.5 120 -125 125 290 218.71
Push Pull
Female - Raw Open
-75 1. Marissa Common 1998 OH 114 70.05 52.5 55 -60 112.5 117.5 125 180 181.95
Female - Raw Special Olympian
-90 1. Sammi Adkins 1990 OH 108 89.85 22.5 25 30 60 65 72.5 102.5 91.45
100+ 1. Tyra Knepper 1996 OH 107 123.95 35 40 55 115 122.5 137.5 192.5 153.11
100+ 2. Krysta Delgado 1998 OH 109 140.25 22.5 27.5 42.5 87.5 110 120 162.5 126.04
Male - Raw Open
-82.5 1. Ryan Bunker 1990 OH 218 81.90 162.5 172.5 -180 220 232.5 -237.5 405 275.49
Male - Raw Special Olympian
-100 1. Anthony Delgado 1999 OH 315 96.30 45 50 -55 182.5 -187.5 -187.5 232.5 145.53
-100 - Job Knepper 1995 OH 318 97.55 70 -75 -75 -187.5 -187.5 -187.5 0 0.00


Type Division Weightclass Discipline Lifter Weight
Ohio State Raw Records R-M1A 140+ Bench press single lift Arnold Barnette 240 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-M1B 140+ Bench press single lift Arnold Barnette 240 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-M2A 140+ Bench press single lift Arnold Barnette 240 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-O -125 Deadlift push-pull Tyler Britton 330 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-O -125 Deadlift single lift Tyler Britton 330 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-O -125 Deadlift Tyler Britton 330 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO -100 Total push-pull Anthony Delgado 232.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO -100 Deadlift push-pull Anthony Delgado 182.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO -100 Deadlift single lift Anthony Delgado 182.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-T2 -60 Squat Nate Hoffman 147.5 kg
Ohio State Raw with Wraps Records RW-T1 -75 Squat Marcus Lust 102.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO -90 Total push-pull Sammi Adkins 102.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO -90 Deadlift push-pull Sammi Adkins 72.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO -90 Bench Press push-pull Sammi Adkins 30 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO -90 Deadlift single lift Sammi Adkins 72.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO -90 Bench press single lift Sammi Adkins 30 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO 100+ Total push-pull Tyra Knepper 192.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO 100+ Deadlift push-pull Tyra Knepper 137.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO 100+ Bench Press push-pull Tyra Knepper 55 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO 100+ Deadlift single lift Tyra Knepper 137.5 kg
Ohio State Raw Records R-SO 100+ Bench press single lift Tyra Knepper 55 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Total push-pull Abigail Flemion 252.5 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Bench press single lift Abigail Flemion 85 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Total Abigail Flemion 395 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Deadlift Abigail Flemion 167.5 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Bench press Abigail Flemion 85 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T1 -67.5 Squat Abigail Flemion 142.5 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Total push-pull Abigail Flemion 252.5 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Bench press single lift Abigail Flemion 85 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Total Abigail Flemion 395 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Deadlift Abigail Flemion 167.5 kg
Virginia State Raw Records R-T2 -67.5 Bench press Abigail Flemion 85 kg
New York State Raw Records R-Y2 -56 Bench press single lift Aubree Stuczynski 30 kg
New York State Raw Records R-Y3 -56 Bench press single lift Aubree Stuczynski 30 kg