Lifting Database

Lifter - Joshua Taylor

Birth year: 1981
State: Alabama


Type Start End Comment
Doping suspension 06/26/2021 05/02/2026 Positive for the following drugs: Androstendiol, Androstendione or Testosterone (T/E Ratio) (133 T/E Ratio)

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 165 kg Barbells and Brews 01/16/2021
Bench press 142.5 kg Barbells and Brews 01/16/2021
Deadlift 215 kg Barbells and Brews 01/16/2021
Total 522.5 kg Barbells and Brews 01/16/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/26/2021 Alabama State Championship - R-M1 -105 103.00 -190 -200 -205 -140 -145 -145 -207.5 -215 -222.5 0 0.00 X Failure
06/26/2021 Alabama State Championship - R-M1A -105 103.00 -190 -200 -205 -140 -145 -145 -207.5 -215 -222.5 0 0.00 X Failure
01/16/2021 Barbells and Brews 1. R-M1 -105 101.50 165 -185 -195 125 142.5 -150 182.5 200 215 522.5 65.54
01/16/2021 Barbells and Brews 1. R-O -105 101.50 165 -185 -195 125 142.5 -150 182.5 200 215 522.5 65.54