Lifting Database

Lifter - Aoto'A Levi

Birth year: 1996
State: Washington

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 120 kg Empire Classic 04/23/2022
Bench press 80 kg Empire Classic 04/23/2022
Deadlift 180 kg Festival of Steel 09/04/2021
Total 370 kg Festival of Steel 09/04/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/23/2022 Empire Classic 1. R-O 100+ 106.80 100 112.5 120 57.5 70 80 157.5 165 -182.5 365 303.95
09/04/2021 Festival of Steel 3. R-O 84+ 99.00 -107.5 110 115 70 75 -80 152.5 165 180 370 66.17