Lifting Database

Lifter - Gabriela Juan-Christiansen

Birth year: 2004
State: Minnesota

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 95 kg Minnesota State High School Teen and Youth Championships 02/12/2023
Bench press 45 kg Minnesota State High School Teen and Youth Championships 02/12/2023
Deadlift 110 kg Minnesota State High School Teen and Youth Championships 02/12/2023
Total 250 kg Minnesota State High School Teen and Youth Championships 02/12/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/12/2023 Minnesota State High School Teen and Youth Championships 1. R-T3 -67.5 66.60 87.5 -95 95 37.5 42.5 45 95 100 110 250 260.12
07/09/2022 Lake Superior Clash 2. R-O -60 59.75 72.5 77.5 80 35 37.5 -40 85 90 92.5 210 233.41
02/13/2022 Minnesota State High School, Teen and Youth Championships 3. R-V -60 59.40 52.5 60 65 30 35 -37.5 65 70 77.5 177.5 198.02