Lifting Database

Lifter - Barrett Huffington

Birth year: 2008
State: Texas


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Texas State Raw Records Raw Teen 1 -125 Total push-pull 295 kg 01/20/2024

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 177.5 kg Big Horn Bash 01/20/2024
Bench press 105 kg Big Horn Bash 01/20/2024
Deadlift 190 kg Big Horn Bash 01/20/2024
Total 472.5 kg Big Horn Bash 01/20/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/20/2024 Big Horn Bash 1. R-T1 -125 114.70 155 170 177.5 -92.5 95 105 165 177.5 190 472.5 275.60
01/21/2023 Big Horn Bash 1. R-T1 -110 104.20 125 132.5 137.5 75 82.5 85 130 145 147.5 370 223.84
01/21/2023 Big Horn Bash 1. R-T1 -110 104.20 75 82.5 85 130 145 147.5 232.5 140.66
01/21/2023 Big Horn Bash 1. R-T1 -110 104.20 75 82.5 85 85 51.42
05/21/2022 Meet Me at the Bar 1. R-T1 -100 96.00 107.5 115 125 125 78.35
05/21/2022 Meet Me at the Bar 1. R-T1 -100 96.00 62.5 67.5 72.5 107.5 115 125 197.5 123.80
05/21/2022 Meet Me at the Bar 1. R-T1 -100 96.00 62.5 67.5 72.5 72.5 45.44
05/21/2022 Meet Me at the Bar 2. R-T1 -100 96.00 85 92.5 102.5 62.5 67.5 72.5 107.5 115 125 300 188.05