Lifting Database

Lifter - Gregory Green

Birth year: 1989
State: Illinois

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 255 kg Surge Classic 11/18/2023
Bench press 175 kg Barbells and Barbecue 07/22/2023
Deadlift 265 kg Surge Classic 11/18/2023
Total 687.5 kg Barbells and Barbecue 07/22/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/01/2024 Central And Midwest Regionals 11. R-O -100 98.40 235 247.5 -252.5 157.5 162.5 170 240 -247.5 247.5 665 412.22
11/18/2023 Surge Classic 2. R-O -100 97.60 230 245 255 160 167.5 -177.5 235 252.5 265 687.5 427.72
07/22/2023 Barbells and Barbecue 1. R-O -100 97.10 227.5 240 250 160 170 175 235 250 262.5 687.5 428.71 X
01/21/2023 Lifting In A Winter Wonderland 5. R-O -100 97.90 207.5 217.5 -222.5 157.5 167.5 -172.5 195 205 217.5 602.5 374.33
07/16/2022 2nd Annual Barbell and Brine Summer Classic 1. R-O -100 97.20 205 217.5 220 157.5 167.5 -172.5 195 205 210 597.5 372.42