Lifting Database

Lifter - Danielle Cafiero

Birth year: 1995

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 107.5 kg USAPL NE Regional Collegiate Championships - Scranton 02/14/2015
Bench press 52.5 kg USAPL NE Regional Collegiate Championships - Scranton 02/14/2015
Deadlift 120 kg USAPL NE Regional Collegiate Championships - Scranton 02/14/2015
Total 280 kg USAPL NE Regional Collegiate Championships - Scranton 02/14/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/14/2015 USAPL NE Regional Collegiate Championships - Scranton 1. R-T3 -63 61.00 107.5 52.5 120 280 308.20
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-T3 -60 57.90 115 115 131.82
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-T3 -60 57.90 47.5 47.5 54.45
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-T3 -60 57.90 102.5 47.5 115 265 303.77