Lifting Database

Lifter - Anthony Rienzo

Birth year: 1991
State: Massachusetts

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 172.5 kg USA Powerlifting Winter Classic 02/27/2016
Bench press 125 kg USA Powerlifting Winter Classic 02/27/2016
Deadlift 227.5 kg MA and RI Open State Championships 05/28/2016
Total 525 kg MA and RI Open State Championships 05/28/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/28/2016 MA and RI Open State Championships 14. R-O -83 79.60 167.5 170 172.5 120 125 -127.5 212.5 227.5 -235 525 359.57
02/27/2016 USA Powerlifting Winter Classic 8. R-O -83 79.80 160 165 172.5 -115 120 125 207.5 210 220 517.5 353.87