Lifting Database

Lifter - Anthony Pham

Birth year: 1992
State: Missouri

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 230 kg Springfield Showdown 04/10/2021
Bench press 152.5 kg Springfield Showdown 04/10/2021
Deadlift 222.5 kg Springfield Showdown 03/24/2018
Total 597.5 kg Springfield Showdown 03/24/2018

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/10/2021 Springfield Showdown 2. R-O -93 91.25 210 220 230 137.5 145 152.5 212.5 -222.5 -227.5 595 78.57
07/14/2018 Midwest & Central Super Regionals 11. R-O -93 87.30 210 220 -227.5 135 142.5 147.5 210 220 -230 587.5 381.11
03/24/2018 Springfield Showdown 3. R-O -93 89.15 207.5 217.5 227.5 132.5 140 147.5 210 222.5 -237.5 597.5 383.30
06/17/2017 2017 Missouri State Championships 5. R-O -83 83.00 175 185 195 125 132.5 137.5 192.5 205 215 547.5 365.46
12/10/2016 Beast of the Metro East 5. R-O -83 77.35 150 165 180 120 125 127.5 155 175 185 492.5 343.67