Lifting Database

Lifter - Dakota Tollefson

Birth year: 1999
State: Louisiana

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 142.5 kg 2018 Raw High School State Championship 04/07/2018
Bench press 112.5 kg 2018 Raw High School State Championship 04/07/2018
Deadlift 210 kg 2018 Raw High School State Championship 04/07/2018
Total 465 kg 2018 Raw High School State Championship 04/07/2018

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/07/2018 2018 Raw High School State Championship 3. R-HS -75 72.20 142.5 -147.5 -147.5 102.5 107.5 112.5 185 200 210 465 340.47

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 177.5 kg 2019 Collegiate Nationals 04/12/2019
Bench press 115 kg Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships 11/17/2018
Deadlift 215 kg Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships 11/17/2018
Total 505 kg 2019 Collegiate Nationals 04/12/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/12/2019 2019 Collegiate Nationals 25. C -74 70.55 167.5 177.5 -185 105 110 112.5 185 215 -227.5 505 481.74
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships 1. T3 -74 72.90 152.5 157.5 165 110 115 -120 197.5 205 215 495 359.91
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships 3. O -74 72.90 152.5 157.5 165 110 115 -120 197.5 205 215 495 359.91