Lifting Database

Lifter - Connie Geiger

Birth year: 1961
State: Minnesota


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Master 2b -90 Squat 115 kg 02/11/2023
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Master 2b -90 Bench press 57.5 kg 02/11/2023
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -82.5 Squat 110 kg 06/08/2022
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -90 Squat 115 kg 02/11/2023
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -90 Bench press 57.5 kg 02/11/2023

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 115 kg Minnesota Junior Open and Master State Championships 02/11/2023
Bench press 57.5 kg Minnesota Ladies of Iron 05/04/2019
Deadlift 127.5 kg Minnesota Ladies of Iron 11/01/2020
Total 295 kg Minnesota Junior Open and Master State Championships 02/11/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/11/2023 Minnesota Junior Open and Master State Championships 1. R-M3 -90 85.90 85 105 115 50 57.5 -60 115 122.5 -137.5 295 268.61
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals 5. R-M3 -82.5 81.63 92.5 100 110 50 -57.5 -57.5 102.5 125 -137.5 285 265.88
12/11/2021 Battle of the Frozen Tundra 1. R-M3 -84 80.80 85 102.5 107.5 50 57.5 -60 102.5 125 -132.5 290 55.64
05/22/2021 Minnesota Ladies of Iron 1. R-M3A -84 80.90 85 100 -107.5 50 55 -62.5 102.5 125 -132.5 280 53.69
05/22/2021 Minnesota Ladies of Iron 1. R-M3 -84 80.90 85 100 -107.5 50 55 -62.5 102.5 125 -132.5 280 53.69
11/01/2020 Minnesota Ladies of Iron 1. R-M2 -84 81.05 85 95 100 50 55 -60 107.5 120 127.5 282.5 54.13
10/26/2019 Monsters Bash 2019 1. R-M2 -84 78.85 85 90 -95 50 57.5 -60 102.5 115 117.5 265 416.29 X
05/04/2019 Minnesota Ladies of Iron 1. R-M2 -84 79.70 77.5 95 -97.5 50 55 57.5 102.5 115 -122.5 267.5 418.57
05/04/2019 United Ladies of Iron 3. R-M2 -84 79.70 77.5 95 -97.5 50 55 57.5 102.5 115 -122.5 267.5 418.57
02/16/2019 MN Women's State Championship 1. R-M2B -84 79.35 77.5 -85 87.5 52.5 55 -57.5 107.5 115 -127.5 257.5 403.65
11/10/2018 2nd Annual USA Powerlifting Champion's Fall Classic 1. R-M2B -84 77.20 62.5 77.5 85 -50 50 55 97.5 107.5 112.5 252.5 235.84
05/19/2018 Women Of Steel Showdown 1. R-M2B -84 78.05 -67.5 67.5 77.5 42.5 50 55 77.5 -90 97.5 230 213.44