Lifting Database

Lifter - Jeanne Murdock

Birth year: 1952
State: Virginia


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -67.5 Bench press 50 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -67.5 Bench press single lift 50 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -67.5 Deadlift 100 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -67.5 Total 212.5 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3a -67.5 Total push-pull 150 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -67.5 Squat 62.5 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -67.5 Bench press 50 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -67.5 Bench press single lift 50 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -67.5 Deadlift 100 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -67.5 Total 212.5 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -67.5 Total push-pull 150 kg 06/09/2018
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -75 Squat 70 kg 04/06/2019
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -75 Bench press 57.5 kg 04/06/2019
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -75 Bench press single lift 57.5 kg 04/06/2019
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -75 Deadlift 112.5 kg 04/06/2019
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -75 Total 240 kg 04/06/2019
Virginia State Raw Records Raw Master 3b -75 Total push-pull 170 kg 04/06/2019

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 70 kg Virginia Richmond Open 04/06/2019
Bench press 57.5 kg Virginia Richmond Open 04/06/2019
Deadlift 112.5 kg Virginia Richmond Open 04/06/2019
Total 240 kg Virginia Richmond Open 04/06/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/06/2019 Virginia Richmond Open 1. R-M3B -72 68.80 60 65 70 52.5 55 57.5 100 107.5 112.5 240 396.24
06/09/2018 Battle at the Beach 1. R-M3A -63 62.70 -60 60 62.5 45 47.5 50 95 100 -102.5 212.5 229.05
06/09/2018 Battle at the Beach 6. R-O -63 62.70 -60 60 62.5 45 47.5 50 95 100 -102.5 212.5 229.05