Lifting Database

Lifter - Adan Chavez

Birth year: 1997
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 262.5 kg 2019 Raw Nationals 10/16/2019
Bench press 182.5 kg Brawl in the Falls 11/11/2023
Deadlift 287.5 kg Brawl in the Falls 11/11/2023
Total 707.5 kg Texas State Benchpress Championships 03/12/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/11/2023 Brawl in the Falls 1. R-O -125 114.20 230 237.5 -250 170 182.5 -190 260 287.5 -300 707.5 413.32
03/12/2023 Texas State Benchpress Championships 1. R-O -125 112.20 240 250 255 162.5 175 265 277.5 -295 707.5 415.96 X
04/08/2021 Collegiate and Junior Nationals 9. R-C 120+ 120.20 247.5 -257.5 -257.5 165 -172.5 -172.5 225 237.5 265 677.5 78.70
12/12/2020 Collegiate Cup and Texas Open 6. R-C 120+ 123.18 240 252.5 150 157.5 165 235 250 262.5 680 78.16
10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals 14. R-JR -120 119.89 252.5 257.5 262.5 162.5 167.5 172.5 240 252.5 260 695 561.07
08/10/2019 Southern Regionals 1. R-JR 120+ 125.03 220 245 255 142.5 155 165 237.5 252.5 272.5 692.5 545.69
04/12/2019 2019 Collegiate Nationals 17. R-C -120 119.10 232.5 245 255 150 157.5 -162.5 240 -255 270 682.5 551.54
02/17/2019 2019 Aggie Showdown 1. R-C -120 118.20 220 230 240 135 145 150 225 240 255 645 518.85
02/17/2019 2019 Aggie Showdown 2. R-O -120 118.20 220 230 240 135 145 150 225 240 255 645 518.85
02/17/2019 2019 Aggie Showdown 2. R-JR -120 118.20 220 230 240 135 145 150 225 240 255 645 518.85