Lifting Database

Lifter - Zahara Moore

Birth year: 1989
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 155 kg Northeast Iron Beast Winter Classic IX 01/22/2022
Bench press 87.5 kg Northeast Iron Beast Winter Classic IX 01/22/2022
Deadlift 180 kg Northeast Iron Beast Winter Classic IX 01/22/2022
Total 422.5 kg Northeast Iron Beast Winter Classic IX 01/22/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/22/2022 Northeast Iron Beast Winter Classic IX 1. R-O 100+ 120.25 137.5 145 155 65 80 87.5 165 175 180 422.5 338.80
01/18/2020 Northeast Iron Beast Pro Winter Classic VII 1. R-O 84+ 107.25 132.5 145 150 67.5 75 80 145 165 175 405 564.31 X
05/04/2019 New York Ladies of Iron 4. R-O 84+ 103.70 117.5 125 137.5 65 72.5 -75 135 142.5 152.5 362.5 513.18
05/04/2019 United Ladies of Iron 16. R-O 84+ 103.70 117.5 125 137.5 65 72.5 -75 135 142.5 152.5 362.5 513.18