Lifting Database


LSU Powerlifting Club



Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Jessica Trammel 3. O -72 70.7 120 132.5 145 65 72.5 -80 120 -140 142.5 360 355.72
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Joseph Chustz 1. JR -105 96.6 210 215 227.5 127.5 132.5 -140 215 227.5 235 595 367.35
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Blake Shaw 5. O -105 103.4 187.5 195 -202.5 145 150 152.5 217.5 237.5 245 592.5 356.03
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Katrina Quinn 3. O -63 63 77.5 85 95 55 60 65 97.5 112.5 120 280 300.72
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Dakota Tollefson 3. O -74 72.9 152.5 157.5 165 110 115 -120 197.5 205 215 495 359.91
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Chance Porter 1. R-T3 -66 66 142.5 -150 -152.5 97.5 102.5 105 152.5 160 162.5 410 321.93
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Murphy Richard 1. O -83 82 227.5 240 250 102.5 112.5 117.5 190 200 207.5 575 386.63
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Adam Sherwin 6. O -105 103.4 182.5 192.5 202.5 150 157.5 -165 210 222.5 232.5 592.5 356.03
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Collin Van Eijk 4. O -93 89.1 185 192.5 200 130 -135 -135 225 237.5 245 575 368.98
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Rees Dunn 5. O -84 79.1 95 102.5 110 52.5 60 -62.5 120 130 137.5 307.5 283.18
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Noah Vicknair 4. O -59 51 135 140 -145 65 70 72.5 135 142.5 150 362.5 363.08
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Khoa Bui 1. JR -66 61.6 130 137.5 -145 85 87.5 -92.5 145 -150 162.5 387.5 322.75
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Dakota Tollefson 1. T3 -74 72.9 152.5 157.5 165 110 115 -120 197.5 205 215 495 359.91
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Rees Dunn 1. T3 -84 79.1 95 102.5 110 52.5 60 -62.5 120 130 137.5 307.5 283.18
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Kourtney Hall 1. JR -93 93 215 -222.5 227.5 132.5 142.5 150 192.5 207.5 220 597.5 375.35
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Joseph Berret 8. O -105 102.8 192.5 -205 -212.5 105 112.5 117.5 190 200 207.5 517.5 311.59
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Joseph Chustz 4. O -105 96.6 210 215 227.5 127.5 132.5 -140 215 227.5 235 595 367.35
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Murphy Richard 1. T3 -83 82 227.5 240 250 102.5 112.5 117.5 190 200 207.5 575 386.63
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Camille Hamilton 1. R-JR -72 72 152.5 162.5 167.5 70 75 77.5 160 170 -182.5 415 405.04
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Carly Burns 3. O 84+ 90.6 117.5 125 135 47.5 55 60 120 130 137.5 332.5 286.52
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Noah Vicknair 1. T3 -53 51 135 140 -145 65 70 72.5 135 142.5 150 362.5 363.08
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Khoa Bui 2. O -66 61.6 130 137.5 -145 85 87.5 -92.5 145 -150 162.5 387.5 322.75
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Abigail Richards 8. O -72 71.6 85 92.5 97.5 40 45 -47.5 95 105 112.5 255 249.82
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Kourtney Hall 2. O -93 93 215 -222.5 227.5 132.5 142.5 150 192.5 207.5 220 597.5 375.35
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Terrance Thomas 7. O -105 93.9 172.5 182.5 192.5 110 115 120 215 227.5 232.5 545 340.84
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Joseph Berret 5. T3 -105 102.8 192.5 -205 -212.5 105 112.5 117.5 190 200 207.5 517.5 311.59
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Diamond Jones 1. O -72 71.3 160 170 172.5 70 75 80 140 152.5 167.5 420 412.61
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Camille Hamilton 2. R-O -72 72 152.5 162.5 167.5 70 75 77.5 160 170 -182.5 415 405.04
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Peyton Matherne 2. JR -83 81.8 162.5 170 -182.5 117.5 120 -125 187.5 200 207.5 497.5 335.02
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Carly Burns 2. T3 84+ 90.6 117.5 125 135 47.5 55 60 120 130 137.5 332.5 286.52
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Dylan Landry 4. O -74 70.3 155 160 -162.5 110 115 117.5 197.5 207.5 -212.5 485 362.25
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Philip Richard 5. O -74 74 127.5 135 152.5 90 -97.5 107.5 182.5 197.5 205 465 334.47
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Kira Cates 4. O -52 51.3 72.5 77.5 -87.5 37.5 42.5 -45 82.5 92.5 100 220 277.13
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Abigail Richards 2. T3 -72 71.6 85 92.5 97.5 40 45 -47.5 95 105 112.5 255 249.82
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Terrance Thomas 4. T3 -105 93.9 172.5 182.5 192.5 110 115 120 215 227.5 232.5 545 340.84
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Collin Van Eijk 2. JR -93 89.1 185 192.5 200 130 -135 -135 225 237.5 245 575 368.98
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Katrina Quinn 2. JR -63 63 77.5 85 95 55 60 65 97.5 112.5 120 280 300.72
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Diamond Jones 1. T3 -72 71.3 160 170 172.5 70 75 80 140 152.5 167.5 420 412.61
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Peyton Matherne 3. O -83 81.8 162.5 170 -182.5 117.5 120 -125 187.5 200 207.5 497.5 335.02
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Chance Porter 2. R-O -66 66 142.5 -150 -152.5 97.5 102.5 105 152.5 160 162.5 410 321.93
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Jessica Trammel 2. JR -72 70.7 120 132.5 145 65 72.5 -80 120 -140 142.5 360 355.72
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Dylan Landry 2. T3 -74 70.3 155 160 -162.5 110 115 117.5 197.5 207.5 -212.5 485 362.25
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Kira Cates 2. T2 -52 51.3 72.5 77.5 -87.5 37.5 42.5 -45 82.5 92.5 100 220 277.13
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Blake Shaw 2. JR -105 103.4 187.5 195 -202.5 145 150 152.5 217.5 237.5 245 592.5 356.03
11/17/2018 Abbeville Open and LA Collegiate Championships Adam Sherwin 3. JR -105 103.4 182.5 192.5 202.5 150 157.5 -165 210 222.5 232.5 592.5 356.03