Lifting Database





Competition Lifter Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Kamilah Todd 1. O 84+ 103.8 -230 230 137.5 145 147.5 -182.5 182.5 195 572.5 609.59
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Brandon Ragoonath 1. O -93 91.4 340 365 -377.5 200 -227.5 -227.5 297.5 317.5 -325 882.5 680.23
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions James Meador IV 1. O -120 119.9 355 370 -385 150 225 265 305 825 556.54
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Giovanna Ortega 1. O -63 61.8 -195 -195 195 100 107.5 -110 165 175 -187.5 477.5 636.71
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions Garrett Bailey 1. R-G -120 108.7 275 292.5 300 180 187.5 -192.5 305 320 335 822.5 718.50